my submission for your review and consideration the icon is an original interpretation of the medical symbol...was not download from any stock site...I am editing the symbol but due to the length of this contest I have upload my initial mock up... becasue your briefing is specifiic with so many varitions and the time frame involved I've posted a Dark Blue and Gold version...just let me know which combination you want to see..
The colors can be changed upon request same as the typeface....
thanks east coast these are the cleanest and sharpest designs so far. Please refer to more specific directions on colors and layouts from the comments the site owner took from me earlier today.
1) Integrative needs to be the highlighted term and health hypnosis needs to fit under integrative, but in a way that the first and second lines of text start and end at the same spot, while minimizing how much smaller health and hypnosis are
I would also like to see the logo closed off in a defined rectangle around teh logo.
I also provided colors used on our product packaging the gold is yellower and the dark blue several shades lighter than what you are using
The medical symbol is more refined teh blue is taken from the supplied sample image...godl accent Please keep in mind my medical symbol is customed made base on the supplied image as inspiration is not downlao9ded clipart.
Icon 3..I am only posting icon changes..because the test will remain the same as previously posted if you need to see this icon with one of my full logo submission please let me know
Icon update 6 a wee bit more wing's unfortunate due to the 350x280 and the heavy compression ratio used LT that some detail is lost...There is no need for me to upload the same text variation because the 4 styles are's the icon that I am revising. If you need to see the text just let me know which one and I'll post with new icon rev 6
just in case you want to opt for the shield style (rev 8 symbol used what I like about this shape is that it balance the medical symbol far better than a circle...there is more background showing in the me the symbol need to be fore front.