For entry 12 make "Insurance" more visible so people with weaker vision can see it. Also put a slogan below "Max" like "Maximizing Insurance Claim Settlements" Also, maybe make the word "Insurance" red.
I like entry 64. Change the slogan to "Negotiate & Settle Insurance Claims" and make it more visible. I like how the roof cuts into the "M" and "X". Work around that and keep submitting me different versions. The more the better.
Can I see one example logo with the i in Insurance as a pensil instead of an i? Just curious how that would look. With claim were are always writing up estimates so thought a pensil or document would portray that, otherwise "money" is another idea we like to portray.
Nice work again! We need the colors in the symbol to match the colors in the name of our company. I really liked the MAX in the previous top logo you made. Maybe make the M in Max match the symbol with different variations. Not sure but can't the InsuranceMax all black in font color.
Also try one logo with the gray crossbar inside the circle change to black so its all black and logo with red instead of orange too.. thanks. Getting a lot of different opinions so things are up in the air at this point still.
Please eliminate the slogan in future logos...Also you have the right idea of focusing on just the name and not so much on icons :-) I really like the new logo I ranked however, we need to be able to see Insurance Max name clearly but we really like the creativity of that one. The arrow is the right idea...We really like how simple entry #1 by Don Gato is but its not as clean and cutting edge as we want. Please try a few more on us.
Try and create a visual without an icon, maybe the "I" could have an arrow pointing upwards along with other possible letters the "U" and maybe try and input a symbol indicating we build roofs i.e. maybe the "M" in Max could be two roofs? We are looking for something to blow our minds away. I like what we have however keep sending as many logos as possible. Thank you.