#3 Thank you so much for your submission. I like the way you have written Instride physical therapy with the contrasting colors. I am looking for a horse that isn't even necessarily recognizable easily as a horse. I will post some samples. I would like it to be much more abstract. Thanks again!
Thanks for your continued efforts. THe horses are definitely becoming more abstract. Number 25 would be cool if it became alot more abstract. So you can barely tell it's a horse. Like less definition to the horses head and the rider.
This is by far my favorite design you have done. I like the balance more and the abstractness. I wish there were a way you could disguise it a bit more so it wouldn't be totally obvious at first glance?
Thanks again! You are good a responding to feedback:)
Thank for the compliments. I'm more of literal person. That's why I'm having hard to be absttact with your logo. You seemed to like Piccasso’s art. right? ;-)
I like Degas. Not a huge Picasso fan. It's just that as much as I love horses, and use horses a lot, I need to market my practice as a medical practice.