#30 - a version of #22 with an upper case S. The horses head is slightly changed as well. Thanks for the feedback, and if there is anything else you would like to see please let me know.
Thanks for the revision! I think I like the first horse head better and the large S. One other thing I would be curious to see is the "physical therapy" letters a bit thinner and more widely spaced under instride. You can see the way it is in the #3( I think) ranked design.
As I look at all of your designs, I really like them all. As you know yours is ranked 1 right now. I am on the fence. I still love the creativity. I wonder if there is a way to make it just a bit crisper? That may be making the typeface even a bit thinner still.
Things I would be curious to see: 1) stretching the letters a tad bit taller 2) extending the dots of the mane down to the word InStride 3) different colors you might suggest - blue/green or anything any others?
Entries #74 to #79 - some colour variations of #69. Colour choice tends to be quite a personal thing so if you have preferences please let me know. It would also be useful to know if you prefer the versions with graduated colour in the oval shape behind the horses' head.