#112 - this has some potential. Not a big fan of the colors - too pastel in nature for our needs. stripes don't add any meaning to this design. Like the idea of this being like questions on a survey with selection dots, but feel they wrap around the text in a weird way. Different type font would be good too.
#140 - good offering. Has potential. would like to see 3 bars inside the phone (blue, orange and green). The bars should have slightly rounded edges (see rankings). The blue device needs to be taller (more like an iphone), the green device needs to be a little less tilted so that the blue device covers it up a bit more. would like to see a small rounded edge on the devices. we like how you have broken down the ring shape, but not the colors. single color or maybe two would be desired. we also like some of the designs where the phone hs thicker top and thinner sides. interested in different style font too. we can address that after graphic is worked on.
adam - sorry the confusion, definitely moving forward. a few comments, #171 - phone shape - we like the bottom edge (thickness is good). we want the phone top edge to be the same thickness as bottom. side phone edges need to be even thinner. please use the original green (square edged shape) from #140 as other device. also use the original ring from #140. bars - overall shapes look great, can you make the orange and green ones slightly taller. regarding the ring, can you make it all green for comparison.
#172 - like the use of the light grey as the backside of the ring. can you make the arrow over the phone green and the text "rating" orange. also rating a bit more bold so it stands apart from insta.
Making positive progress with this design. We have a few minor change suggestions (for combining into one new version):
#176 - cell phone shape. this is very close. we like the top and sides, but would like to see the thickness of the bottom match the top. this will require the dot to be smaller (this looks a bit too large currently).
#172 - WE like the colors of this design best so far. We'd like to see the grey ring parts even a lighter grey. we also prefer the green device shape #140 best. we like the thicker lines on it and also the squared corners. so if you could just use the #140 shape and ring for this , but use the colors from #172 ( with lighter grey) that would be great.
Last, we feel the graphic is progressing nicely, but the text looks too weak and doesn't really stand out enough. please refer to the current rankings for some ideas on stronger text. The text in #176 has a certain softness to it that we kind of like, but it in general is way to thin and does not really draw attention. we also kind of like the "rating" being bold to highlight what we do.
good luck.... and we look forward to your new designs.
#250 - thank you this has a much better 3dish feel to it. like the direction this is heading. the blue color seems a bit too saturated, can you make it a shade or two lighter. and also, the first bar looks a bit fat, thin it up just a tad. We'd also like to see the text from #172 added to this, but make the "rating" orange.
Last - this graphic is scheduled to also be used as our app icon (just the graphic). any chance you could show us a few iphone4 sized app icons. background and details is totally up to you.
Again, thank you for the effort ...... anything else you can do to make the phone appear more 3d-ish or realistic for the app icon would be great (see other rankings).
#257 - progressing nicely. we like the 3d effect. the bottom of the phone still looks flat. if there is any way to make that look 3d - we would like to see it (maybe a shadow on the hole or a rflection of some sort).
we would like to see the text from #173 added. "insta in grey and "rating" in orange.
Last. the grey in the ring looks out of place. wed like to try a version that has a lighter (less saturated green on the left) and a lighter orange on the top - to replace the existing grey. just for comparison.
we wouldalso like to try a version of the app icon with the changs listed above and one without the orange, green and blue on the border, just grey all the way around.
#267 - we would like a small change to this icon. We would like to see a version without the star highlight in the upper left. It looks too ethereal. We also want to see a bit darker blue used with a lighter blue border to make it pop a bit more.
The second version, we would like to see the changes listed above, plus a different background color on the iPhone itself. currently it is white, we would like to see a lighter blue color just for comparison.
Thank you for the updates on the app icon. I also was able to download #268 - but one small issue, it has the reflection. We would also like this version the same as the NEW App icon with NO reflection, just lite shadow underneath.
My partner also has requested a version of app icon with a darker blue background. He feels this may be too much of a light blue. Darker hue is what we are looking to compare.
Can you also send your contact information to my new business email, brad.redmond@appisoft.com. I would like to forward you the list of sizes we need and close this out by tomorrow to approve files and allow you payment.