this is a really cool idea. My one concern is that users won't get what the squares are and will find it annoying. I rather like it but will have to ask around to some of my non-tech friends to get their thoughts on that.
Thanks for the variations. I think I like the direction the font was going in #96 a bit better but size of the logo looks better in #113. Not sure about the placement though. I'm leaning towards #96.
Still loving this concept but not digging this variation. I don't like like the "i" inside the bulb.
Do my eyes deceive me or is "Bytes" a different color green in #127 than in #96? I like the color of #96 better.
As for the fonts I still like the look of the fonts in #96b the best but want to subtly add a little originality. for instance i really like what #74 did with the typeface of "bytes"; unique but also simple and professional.
Not feeling the italicized look. Also, I like thinner fonts over thicker ones.
Like I said before I really like this concept with the lightbulb, but we just haven't found a variation that hits the nail on the head so to speak yet.
I am having a very hard time deciding between the top 6 entries. I did want to give you a heads up for when I finally decide. I'd like the winning version against a transparent bg (I believe this is the industry standard is it not). I'd like a version that looks good against a white bg and a solid black & white version.