nice entries. I don't have much orange on the site. I have the green (#CBFF5B) accent, You could try to play off of that but I suspect I'm going to prefer blues.
Thanks for all the hard work. I definitely prefer the blue over the green. However I'm not so fond of the gradient or beveled look in this case. The green version looked more 'flat'.
With further tweaking in mind, I prefer the squares of #47, to the previous circles.
You're going to hate me for this... but i've been talking to a designer colleague of mine to get his opinion. He likes the green of #30 better than the blue of #49 and has some compelling reasons for it too.
To quote him: "as far as color goes, you've got a lot of blue going on... but i really like the green accent color. for example on the home page, you have your services "Content Management" in green.... with the logo accent color as green, it would visually relate to those services. so when i'm quickly visually scanning the page, i see green in the logo and green in the services... a quick relationship is built and i haven't actually read anything yet.."
He followed that up with: "it would be nice to see some more ideas similar to #49... something about those floating squares - the big one to be precise - seems a bit off to me. i really can't put my finger on what it is... maybe even play with the concept of "thinking outside the box" since the word "In" is currently in the box... and since it's "inspired" ... makes sense."
Think you can work with that?
(P.S. I still like the squares of #49 better than the circles of #30 ;)
Thanks for the feedback and don't worry I don't hate you at all :) Here is an update for your request. At this time, I have closed the box where it meets small boxes. Instead I changed color a bit so it clearly shows the small boxes going out of the big box. Please let me know what your thoughts are. Thanks
Can I get you to continue to experiment with fonts. I really like what #74 did with the font. Simple and professional yet still subtly unique (and yet still matches the look and feel of the site).
I had and idea in my original design brief that I'd like you to attempt to incorporate. The idea is 1s and 0s somehow transition into "pixels".
What sprang to mind with your concept is to have the faded squares in the bottom right be the 1s and 0s.
Not saying do that word for word of course, Your the designer and I'm relying on your design and conceptualizing skills here. But do you think you and run with that idea somehow?
#126 is on the right track. I'm digging the thinner box. I was thinking more along the lines of having the 1s and 0s going into the box on the bottom and still having the squares ("pixels") coming out of the box on the top.
I like the medium thickness box of #125. #155 is close to what I was thinking of. Can you make the squares coming off the top left a bit more "random" like the 1s and 0s in the bottom right.
I am having a very hard time deciding between the top 6 entries. I did want to give you a heads up for when I finally decide. I'd like the winning version against a transparent bg (I believe this is the industry standard is it not). I'd like a version that looks good against a white bg and a solid black & white version.