I like the idea. I'm not sure how well the font fits with the rest of the fonts on the site. Think you can find a more modern, thin font that would complement the site well?
Also, I'm concerned the colors might blend in to the background of the site too much and be lost. Can you make sure it looks good on a bg similar to what #2 has?
Yes I think I like that green a lot better. I've taken a liking to the 'flat' look of #49 and I wonder what #44 would look like without the bevel (is that the correct term?).
I'm having a very hard time deciding between the beveled look of #44 and then new flat look of #105. I.m kind of going off of the look of the icons, They have the "3D shine spots" ('m sure thats not the technical term) so are not completely flat but are not as glossy as #44 looked.
I do like the look of #105 over #106.
But, I like what you did with the green "bytes" in #106
Of the two new entries #130 and #131 I'm not feeling the new look of the largest blue box. Also, don't care for the red in #131 as I don't have and red accents on my site at all.
I'd like to see #105 but with "bytes" in the green color.
I like the reflection thing that you have under the logo on #105.
I am having a very hard time deciding between the top 6 entries. I did want to give you a heads up for when I finally decide. I'd like the winning version against a transparent bg (I believe this is the industry standard is it not). I'd like a version that looks good against a white bg and a solid black & white version.
One thing thats been pointed out to me about #163 is that the 1s and 0s in the big blue square are hard to read at smaller sizes. think you can try to make it a little bit more legible?
I wonder if taking 1 character off of each line and spreading them out just a little would be enough or if you'll need to do something a little bit more than that to it.