Hi, thank you for your feedback. I've used Century Gothic because I thought its your website font. If not or you don't like the result please tell me and I'll change it. Thank you! Carrion
I like the fonts of #20 and #21 much better. Of those two, I can't decide which one I like better yet.
Yes, Century Gothic is the font of the site but I wanted a font that looks well with the site but didn't match exactly. An impossible task I would have though but these latest to fonts look great.
As for #18 and #19, I'm not sure about the orange. I don't have a lot of orange on the site. I do have the green (#CBFF5B) as an accent, You could play with that but I suspect I'm going to prefer shades of blue.
I've been crudely experimenting with the designs to paste them into a screenshot of the site. I think #20 looks really good. Can you make a few tweaks.
Can you make blue of "bytes" #037DB0. I'd also like to see a version that is more "flat". The squares have little gradients that make them look beveled. I'm curious what it may look like without the bevel.
I always include in the final files the different logo versions: full color version with gradients, solid colors version, gray scale, b&w and reverse b&w.
Versions with green "bytes" color with gradients and solid colors.
Can I get you to continue to experiment with fonts. I really like what #74 did with the font. Simple and professional yet still subtly unique (and yet still matches the look and feel of the site).
In my original design brief I had a concept that I'd like you to try to incorporate into you concept.
My idea was to have 1s and 0s somehow transition into "pixels".
When I think of that idea with your concept (#89 or #90, I'm still on the fence if I prefer the squares with or without the gradient) I thought about the 1s and 0s in the bottom half transitions into the squares ("pixels") at the top.
I am having a very hard time deciding between the top 6 entries. I did want to give you a heads up for when I finally decide. I'd like the winning version against a transparent bg (I believe this is the industry standard is it not). I'd like a version that looks good against a white bg and a solid black & white version.
No problem I always send vectorial, jpg and transparent png files of all the logo variations: color, color on black background, grey scale, B&W and reverse B&W. Best, Carrion