Wow, thanks! We're moving in a good direction here :-)
#18: it's my favourite so far - colourful, pictorial, dynamic. i have two questions: how could it work for the German language version? And: The framing makes it look a bit self-contained and tight. Any ideas for signalling more openness and outgoing sparkle?
# 16, 17: The idea of the illustration is really great and to the point. The overall feel seems a bit too straight forward. Is there a way of making it slightly less "disciplined"?
Here is the German language version. I also remove the framing and made the icon with different angle. Give a floating effect to show more freedom feel.
#19: Nice!!! Feels liberated from its confinements :-) About the colouring of the letters: "Die" is actually an article, meaning "the". If it's highlighted, it seems there are many Mutmachereis which is not the case. The emphasis should be the other way round. So maybe a lighter colour for "Die" or a different colour combination?
About the tilt angle of the illustration: good idea, but I don't really like the way it looks. Can't exactly say how to improve it ...
#40: I really like the look and feel of it. Not sure about the following: The spatial arrangement of the letters won't work for the German version. Does the balloon (at least in this form) really match our purpose)?
#40 Regarding the balloon image, it match your purpose for sure. Air balloon can convey the idea of hope and positivity. Leaf shape is to show the fresh inspiration flow. About the German version, I will submit it now, so you can see what it looks like. :)
#104 i really like the 3 coloured german version, but would prefer the font used in #25. not sure whether the wave is nicer in blue or yellow in an updated version
The involvement of my team brought a lot of differentiation to the contest, and a very clear winner. I am sorry it didn't work out for you this time. Still wanted to drop you a line since I really appreciated working with you, your many creative inputs, your swift changes according to my likings etc. It was a pleasure! I wish you the best of luck and many future wins!