Insight QualityLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Insight Quality

Insight Quality has selected their winning logo design.

For $400 they received 279 designs from 49 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Intelligent QA
What We Do
Insight Quality (IQ) is a boutique consulting service organization that specializes in providing clients with expertise in IT (Information Technology) Quality Assurance processes, such as requirements management, change managememt, configuration management, and applications testing management, with a special focus on multi-system integration test management.
Color Preferences
I'm pretty open to colors. I'd really like to see what the designers have in mind. I will say that I tend to like muted colors over bright and bold.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
I would really like to have a logo that incorporates the acronym (IQ), the name of the company (Insight Quality), and the tagline (Intelligent QA). What other things can I mention? I tend to prefer sans serif fonts rather than serif. I don't like font in italics. Oh! Really important--although I am a consulting firm dealing with IT, I would prefer not to have any 'high tech' logos, i.e., abstract swooshes, little bubbles along an imaginary arc.
I'm not sure if anyone would want to incorporate this next idea into the logo (it might be too much), but I wear 'Lisa Loeb' style glasses, and if that works its way into the logo somehow, that might make it more personal. This is just an idea, not a requirement.
I'd also like the following formats if possible: eps/vector (for marketing materials), jpeg/gif (for web), and a tiff/bmp (for documents).
Please feel free to ask me questions--I'll check frequently to give you feedback. Thanks and looking forward to seeing your designs!!!


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1 2 3 4 5 1 ... 5 Next >


Hi all! Thanks so much for the entries so far. I'm going to try and give you feedback so that you can see why I ranked the entries as such, and in doing so, hopefully provide you with more information for the contest.
#4--I like this one because the 'IQ' is clear and can stand on its own as a logo, if I wanted to display it by itself, without the name or the tagline---it takes up much more real estate than the other elements and I like that. I like the use of the muted colors and the colors themselves. It has a clean yet unique look to it. I also like the font--it's sans serif and it's more 'round', for lack of a better word. I think I like more round, chubby fonts than tall, thin fonts (if that makes sense), and this concept utilizes that.
#5--The font used is the same/similar to #4, which I like. I don't like the tagline being a darker shade than the name, as I feel like it takes focus away. I also very much like that you tried to incorporate my Lisa Loeb glasses into the logo. :) Would it be possible to place the glasses as the ascender as a version of #4? Not sure if that would look ok or not...
#3--Thanks for being the first designer! I like how the letter i is the ascender of the q---very creative! Please see my comments above--I think I like font that is more 'round' than thin and tall. Also, I like the size differentiation between the tagline and the name---the tagline is significantly smaller, which I like. I also like the use of the muted colors and the color scheme. I think that I'd rather have the tagline not be in all caps, though.
#1--Although creative, I htink I need the IQ portion of the log to be more differentiated and clear. I don't like the blue-on-blue color scheme as much as the volors you used in your #3. The font is sans serif, as I requested, but it's too...'robotic' for me.
#6--I like how the IQ logo takes up more of the real estate than the name or the tagline, but I'm not as fond of the color combination of the shade of green and orange together. I also think the tagline in blue contrasts too much with the other elements and doesn't bring it together as a whole.
Please let me know if you would like any further explanation of my comments! Thanks so much so far! Please keep your ideas coming!
15 years ago
Hi all! I have re-ranked and providing some feedback! Thanks for the entries so far---these look great!
#10--LOVE this image of the IQ. I really like how the letter 'i' is wearing the Lisa Loeb style glasses because it personalizes the logo for me---I always wear my trademark glasses. Also, the glasses work with the tagline 'intelligent qa' because of the strong cultural tie of a person wearing glasses as an intelligent person. If you could use this IQ image with the overall left-to-right layout of your #5 and #9 submissions, I might like it better. However, please see my comments on other concepts (#8) regarding fonts, as I do like some of the ideas that others have incorporated into their fonts of the name and the tagline better.
#8--I really like the use of differentiation of color and weight in the name. The image is clever, but please see my comments about #10's IQ image and why I like it so much. I also think I like the overall left-to-right layout. As for the tagline, I think I would like it to be one color so that it doesn't take away from the use of color differentiation in the name.
#12--I placed this concept in the top 3 because I want to still encourage people to try different color combos (although I do like the use of only 2 colors in most fo the logos). This logo is done in blues/greens, which I like--I'm not too fond of the exact shade/hues used, but I like the fact that the designer branched out into another color combo. I also like that the tagline is nestled between the descenders of the letter 'g' and the letter 'y' in the name. However, please see my comments on #10 about why I like the IQ image better.
#13--What I really like about this concept is that the IQ image and the tagline could be separated from the name (on marketing materials, for example) and the tagline would give the IQ image some substance. I really would like the ability to do this.
#11--Clever IQ image. However, please see my comments on why I like #10's IQ image better. I do like the way you incorporated the tagline--nestled between the descenders of the letters 'g' and 'y'.
#9--I like the more colorful version of this logo better (#5). Perhaps you were just showing me a version of what it would like in grayscale (i.e., if used on black-and-white printouts of a document), which is helpful.
Again, thank you all for your submissions! Keep them coming! I'll check back in a bit.
15 years ago
Thanks all! Here's what I think:
#14--You took my comments and implemented what I asked for--thank you. There's still something about the font, though. My favorite font/typeface style is still on #8. Perhaps remove the space between the two words (InsightQuality)? Also, the font has slight serifs--especially on the s, t, n, h, and y. I'm not a fan of serif fonts, so perhaps change the font slightly so it's round and completely sans serif. I liked that you tried to make the font heavier in #15, but I'd like both words to be the same font, but perhaps Insight is weighted/bolded more than the word Quality? In #15, it looks as if the two words are designed in different fonts (Quality looks more 'squished' than the more round 'Insight'). I also like the slightly smaller tagline in #14 over #15. Thanks--it's looking good!
#16--Thanks for you submission! I like the lowercase 'i' in the word 'insight' and how you removed the space between the two words. I also like how you weighted the word 'insight' more heavily than the word 'quality'. Perhaps the tagline could be smaller? I'm not sure if I like the gradient shading under the IQ (however, just so you know, I had another person take a look at the entries so far and he said that he liked this logo the best out of all of them).
I was just thinking about some other ideas, too, for the IQ image. Perhaps the part of the Q that it makes it a Q instead of an O (the ascender, I think it's called?) could be folded up glasses hanging off of the Q (basically, the combo of the letter O and the glasses would form the letter Q). I say this because the image could still incorporate glasses, but there wouldn't be a 'personification' in the image. Someone I showed the logos to liked the glasses, but didn't like how the letter 'i' was a person. Just a thought.
Please keep the ideas coming!
15 years ago
Hey designers---I don't have any set colors---the gold and grayish purple color combo are just an idea of one of the designers that I think other designers have picked up on. Please provide more color combinations...Thank you!
15 years ago
#17-- I like how you made the letter 'i' the ascender on the letter 'q' in IQ. I also like the sans serif font. Can you remove the space between the 2 words (InsightQuality), make the tagline a slightly smaller size, and then present it with some different 2-color combinations, please? Thanks--this is looking good.
#21--I really need an image with 'IQ' in it as well as the name of Insight Quality, and then also the tagline. Thanks for the entry!
#19--Thanks for trying to add the glasses into the concept based on my feedback, but I'm not sure I like my own idea afterall. I think the glasses would need to be very simple in order for something like that to work, and the Q would have to be a lot more sturdy/thick/weighted. Thanks, though!
15 years ago
#22--Thanks for your entry! I really like this concept--it's fresh and different from some of the existing entries. I liek the sans serif font, the extenstion of the I and the y. Can you do some variations on the 'iQ' image, perhaps, but leave the name and tagline as-is, please? This looks great!
15 years ago
Hi all. Sorry it took me so long to comment and rank, but I was travelling today and had limited internet access. First, I want to thank everyone for the additional entries--the competition is getting tough! The top 3 spots are all new entries from yesterday. So many great, different, and unique ideas, which is fabulous. So, thank you again and keep them coming. Here is my feedback:

#27, #29, #28 --Thanks for taking my notes. It's almost a toss-up for me between #27 and #29--I really like the font change and te removal of the space. With #29, I like to extended 'I' that is used in both words. I also like the new options with the colors. If I end up liking #29 over #27, then it's down to the color combo with #28--all look great!

#42--Looks like you read through my notes and all of my comments for your entry. Looks great--different and unique approach to the IQ image, different color combo used, and the font style follows my preference with the sans serif, no space, and different colors.

#39/#40/#41--See, I knew you could figure out a way to incorporate the glasses! Very clever with 'eye' and Q in the glasses. #40 is also very clever, with the Q designed by half of the glasses. I like the font you used on #39 much better then the one used on #40. Fabulous.

15 years ago
#26--Thanks for your entry and for incorporating the glasses into the image. However, I really need an image with the letters 'IQ' in it. So, if you could figure out a way to include IQ and the glasses, that would be great. Thanks.

#33/#32/#31/#30--Thanks for the different color combos. I think I like the 2-color combos better (#33/#32)than the single colors (#31/#30). I also think I like the less 'bright' purplish color in #33 over the more bright purple in #32.

#23/#24/#25--Thanks for taking my notes. I still like your original submission the best out of these. Is there anyway you could play around with the font of the letter Q in the IQ part of the logo? Some people might confuse it with the number '2' because of the fancy ascender swoosh. Thank you!

#37/#35/#34--Thanks for even more variations! I think that I'll need to have a transparent background rather than a dark background (for use on documents, etc.), but thanks so much for trying the design with white font, as well as a new variation on displaying the IQ letters.

#43--Thanks for taking my notes. I really like this version of the IQ better than the previous one. And, as before, I really like the font.
15 years ago
Thanks all!

#48/#46--Thanks for the updates. Looks great. Would it be possible to make the tagline much smaller, but in the same font (on #48), please?

#51/#49/#50--Thanks so much for the entries. I like how the person's body is an i and the q combined--clever. I also like how you tried to incorporate the glasses on #51. I was wondering if you could make some slight changes. Can you make the head a lighter color or an outline and then the glasses would just be black rims, please (try some different color combinations)? I want them to look less like sunglasses and more like regular daytime glasses. Thanks!

#45/#44--Thanks so much for the additional versions. I think I still like #43 overthese two.

#52--Thanks so much for this version. I really like the incorporation of the glasses, but after looking at all of these, I think I like the glasses to be a subtle addition to the image rather than the overall focus of the image. Does that make sense? Thank you!

#27/#29--Can you make a version of the IQ image slightly smaller relative to the name and tagline, please, for both versions? Perhaps not the exact vertical height as the tagline and name, but maybe slightly taller (just not as tall as it is now), without losing the width-heighth ratio of the IQ image? Also, can you make the tagline smaller for both versions (similar to the proportion between the tagline and name proportion on designs #22 and #51? Lastly, can you tighten the kerning on InsightQuality, please?

Thanks so much, Designers, for your hardwork on tweaking these entries. It really makes a big difference to me!!!
15 years ago
#54/#56/#55--Thanks so much! The tighter kerning and the smaller tagline look great! I think the last modifications I'd like to request come from other people at IQ who have a (smaller) say in the logo design. For #54 and #56, could you make the body of the 'i' in the IQ image a little taller, please? Not so much so that the top of the 'I' (the head) is at an equal height with the top of the 'Q', though. Also, could you make the glasses the same shade of grayish purple as you use in the font, please, so it's still only a 2-color combo? Lastly, could you try using a blue and goldish-orange color combo like in #63 and #64? Thanks!

#63/#64--Thanks so much for making the tagline smaller; it looks great! I think the last modifications I'd like to request come from other people at IQ who have a (smaller) say in the logo design. For #63, could you remove the hat and tie from the letter 'i' in the image, and instead replace it with little glasses, please, still keeping with the 2-color combo? We want to keep the image gender-neutral. Also, thank you for the new design on #64. Very clever. Can you add the blue dot over the 'i' in the word Insight, please? Thanks!

#67/#66/#65--Thank you for the new entries! I think we've decided that we like 2-color combos, hence why we picked #67 as a forerunner. If you'd like to try some of the other 2-color combos that are in the top 3 designs, that would be great.

#62/#61--Thank you for your entries. I like the font style you chose--the Q in the word Quality is simple yet unique.
15 years ago
#57/#58/#59/#60/#68--Thank you for your entries. I like the font style and the 2-color combination. We do want something a little more colorful. However, I want to stay away from having a profile in the image. Thank you so much for your entries, though!
15 years ago
#70/#71/#69--Thank you for your entries! You've applied all of the feedback I've given to others, which is why I post it here in the general discussion, so that all designers can benefit from all of my feedback on all concepts. I like the sans serif font style, the 2-color combo (with new colors), the proportion of the tagline to the name, no space betwen the words, the different weights used in the name, and the IQ image. The 'i' in the 'Q' resembles a checkmark, which is a nice spin on QA. I alos like the image on the left becasue then the checkmark swoosh ties in nicely with the name and tagline rather than being standalone (as the image seems to be when it is centered above the name and tagline). If you have some other concepts for the IQ image, I'd love to see them. As you can probably tell, I'm leaning toward an image that is subtley clever, yet clearly reads 'IQ'.
15 years ago
#80--Thanks for this and the other versions with the revisions! It looks great.

Ok, it's getting to be tough now. The Top 4, at this time, could swap places at any moment. Or, as just happened today, a new entry could swoop in and take a top spot. I'm going to get more feedback from other folks involved with IQ in the next day or two, as the contest draws to a close.

Excellent work so far, everyone! Keep the ideas coming!
15 years ago
#82/#83/#85/#86--Thanks for taking the notes. Thanks for also showing the variation on placement of #82 and #83. I think I like the leftside better. Can you make the glasses look less 'bubbly like goggles', and more like reading glasses, please? Also, please only have the outline of thehglasses, not shaded in like sunglasses. THe glasses are supposed to be 'intellectual' rather than 'fun'. Thank you!

#84--Thanks for the dift color combo. This has a more refined and professional feel to it. I'll have to play around and see which color combo I like better. I might swap this one in place of #70.

#87--Thanks for taking the notes on the dot over the i.

#88/#89--Thanks for new IQ concepts! I try to have different designers in the Top 13, even if I like a slight variation of one design better than the other concepts in the Top 13. But since you have submitted different concepts of the IQ, I have multiple designs by you in the top of the shortlist. So, thank you. I like the concept with the Q as a magnifying glass better (#89)--very clever! Part of the QA process is to inspect, so that is a great idea. However, can you apply my comment about the goggles/glasses I made about your #82/#83/#85/#86, please?

#90/#91--Thanks so much for the new concepts! I think I'm liking the 2-color concepts better, however, than using 3 colors. Also, although, clever incorporation of the i inside the concentric circles, it reminds me too much of a bullseye, which I don't like as much. Thank you, though!
15 years ago
#92/#93--Thanks for the new concepts, but please see the notes above on your previous concepts. I'd really like to see those changes before new concepts, if possible. Thank you!

#94/#95/#96/#97/#100--Thanks for the update with the size of the dots and in the various color and reverse color combos. These look great. If you see me swapping different color combos of the same concept (into the same rank), it's because I'm trying on the different colors.

#98/#99--Thanks for the new entries! I need the IQ image to really show the letters I and Q, so that it can be a standalone image that clearly reads 'IQ'. So, if you can work with that, it would be helpful! Also, please read through my comments above that I have written about other designs as you will likely find good information there. Thank you!

#101/#102--Thanks so much for the new concepts! I like these, but I need the IQ image portion to be slightly less abstract and be able to be a standalone image of 'IQ'. If you can work with these new concepts, that would be great. Thank you!
15 years ago
#103/#104/#105--Thanks for the new concepts. Less abstract. I like the new color combos you are tyring, too. I dont' think I want any sharp edges (the point of the Q), after seeing it. I like #103 the best out of these. You tried to incorporate the glasses in #104--thank you--but I don't think it works as well.

#106--Thanks for the new concept. The image is interesting, but I think the font is too 'heavy' or 'thick'.

#107/#108--Thanks for the new entries! However, through the course of the design process, I have mentioned in the comments above that if glasses are used, they need to be subtle and less prominent.

#110--I like the new colors in the image much better--the other one was too heavy/dark. Could you tweak the Q so that it is more of the font style of the Q used in 'Quality', please, and we'll see how that looks? Thanks!

15 years ago
#111/#112/#113/#114/#115/#120/#121/#122/#123/#126--Thanks for your entries. However, please read the comments I have left to others above. This might give you more insight into what I'm looking for. Please also read my brief--#126 uses serif fonts and italics, which is what I am not looking for.
15 years ago
#116/#117/#118/#119/#124/#125--Thanks for your new entries! It seems as if you have read the brief and all of the comments above for notes--thanks. We don't like #116/#117 as much as it reminds us of a target, which we don't like (sorry!). However, we really like the most recent 4 in the series, especially #124 and #125 where you flow the image into the name, and, the way it is designed, we can easily separate the image from the name and tagline if we wanted to for certain marketing materials (which we like!). We can't decide which weight we like better--on the word Insight or on the word Quality, so you might see us flip these two concepts back and forth in the same ranking (we focus our attention on the concepts in the Top 8).
15 years ago
#127/#130--Thank you for your entries! We tend to like the 'less fancy' Qs, so we like #130 better. Also, we need the i part of the IQ image to stand out more. Thanks!

#128/#129--Thank you for the new concepts, but we still like your other entry better. :) We do like the new color combo and how you have stuck to the 2-color combo. Do you think that you can tighten up the sapce between the IQ image and the name/tagline, please, in #9? Also, in #9, if you could play around with the Q--we tend not to like 'fancy Q' and like Qs that are more like the font style that you used in 'Quality'. We also like straightforward, but with a subtle bit of flair, like in entries #124/#125, or in your previous entry #96. Hope that helps!

#131--Thank you for the update with input from my previous notes! Looks great!
15 years ago
#132/#133/#134/#135--Thanks for the updates per my requests. These look great! We also like the new concept that has a subtle flair to it while still showing the i and q letters. Thanks!
15 years ago
#136--Thanks for your entry! We'd like to stick with a 2-color combo, however.

#137--Thanks for your entry! We like this. Can you tighten the kerning between the word 'Insight' and the word 'Quality', please? Also, can you mess around with the squiggle-swirl lines a litlte bit, please? I like them, but not exactly the way they are now. I can't place my finger on it exactly--but I think it's the squiggle around the IQ portion that's too busy or competes with the 'IQ' or something. Thanks!
15 years ago
#138--Thanks so much for your entry! This is the first entry with the tagline below the image rather than the name, so it's a nice distinction. Thanks!

#139/#140/#141/#142--Thanks so much for the change requests. These look great!

#143--Thanks for the update. We still like one of your earlier concepts better. :)

#144/#145--Thanks for the new concepts! We still like the original (with the glasses) and one of your other 'i embedded in the q' concepts better. :) I have to say, though, that you have been extremely responsive and consistent throughout this contest with providing updates and tweaks and then providing new concepts throughout. Others have, too, but you have submitted probably the most ideas and revisions, and they are all of good quality. So, I just wanted to take a moment to let you know that we here at IQ really appreciate all of the work that you have done thus far. Thank you.

#146/#147/#148/#149--Thanks for your entries! We like #148 the best out of these 4 entries.
15 years ago
HI all--I just logged in quickly to thank you all for your entries. Unfortunately there is a lot going on today at IQ and we will be unable to provide any feedback on the most recent entries until right before the contest ends. Just wanted to let you know that we're not ignoring you and we haven't decided a winner yet (I think we have some judging time after the contest ends). Stay soon as we're back by the computer, we'll log back in and provide feedback. Thanks again for all of your hard work! We really appreciate it!
15 years ago
WOW!!! We are so excited for the logo entries--110+ just today! We have already started reviewing these and will be updating the rankings and providing feedback later today and tomorrow (due to the high volume it will take us a little longer to go through them). Then, I hope to gather input from some of my other counterparts tomorrow so that we can post a winner ASAP! So stay tuned...!

Thanks again, everyone, for all of your ideas, creativity, and hard work. People say my industry of 'QA' is boring...well, not according to these logos! :)
15 years ago
Hi all--the last bit of feedback came in late tonight, so we'll pick a winner tomorrow! Good luck!
15 years ago
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