Indra, I have to say that you're the first person who has made me consider circle's and curves in the logo. All were great, but the ones I kept were the variations of each that I preferred the most. You also nailed the colors better than anyone else, so thank you for that!
#41 is a little too complicated in the number of swirling objects it has in it. Also, I'd like to avoid a pure circle if I can. I'd like to see some variations on it though.
#46 I actually like quite a bit. I can't identify what I'd change on it, but I'm not sure I could get behind it how it is. Maybe it's the i in there? Some variations on this would be great as well though.
#44 I couldn't throw out because it's just so unique. Again, not sure what to do with it, but variations on it would be great. It has a network diagram sort of feel to it that I think really works well with the company.
I may actually move some of these designs up on my list now that I've reviewed them again. Thanks!