InsideOut Consulting, Inc.Logo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / InsideOut Consulting, Inc.

InsideOut Consulting, Inc. has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 324 designs from 43 different designers from around the world.
















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Entry #35: I like the elegant and reflective nature of this logo. Reflection is an important part of change, I like the sublte way that is "reflected". I like the color and font. I would like to see my slogan added at some point. Thanks.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you for your feedback..

(This comment references Entry #45)
14 years ago
Entry #45: I like the direction this is moving in. The changes to the symbol are nice - it is simple, powerful and human feeling. I also really like the font and feel of the slogan - a lot. The text of consulting feels a bit unintegrated to me. This has a nice elegance coming about it. Thank you.
14 years ago
Entry #45: I like this better than the ones with the changes (56,57,58). It has a more elegant feel, yet my original comments above still apply. Please read my note on the main discussion about calligraphy as a metaphor for what I want to represent. I am looking for a long that makes a power statement in its elegance and subtly. The font is too rigid for me and the out is screaming. I feel like this could move in a direction that gets this essence to it. I don't want it to become busy feeling,
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you for your feedback..., but my english is not good...
14 years ago
Entry 45. I am still really drawn to this logo. The symbol has a nice elegance to it. But something still feels unbalanced to me on it. I keep feeling like the "consulting" is not integrated or it is hanging off the logo. I would like to see some refinement of this. It remains one of my favorites. Thanks.
14 years ago
Entries 45 and 85. I think what I'd like is something between the two. I like the purple. I like this version of the symbol best. In 85 I like the placement of "consulting" but it lost the slogan. I like the slogan font in 45 a lot. I much prefered the font and shading of 45. The font in 85 is what I am trying to get away from. It is too harsh. I really like making the "i" on inside small case, but that is minor. The font on 45 is what I like more, it has such an elegance to it that 85 looses. I hope you can understand the comments and perhaps work between the two. I appreciate it very much.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you
14 years ago
your entry 45 is still my favorite. I like the way you managed to get "consulting" above "inside" on 108 and 109. I don't like the font as much as the original. Is there a way to get consulting about inside on 45? This logo is one of my favorites so I appreciate the work. I am still not sure if I prefer it in blue or purple.
14 years ago
As it so often is in design, what you submitted as 45 is my favorite of your submissions. i am grateful to you for trying some different options with me, but you had it right the first time. I like the logo and it has strong potential. It has stayed one of my favorites all along.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
what to fix in entry 45? thanks..

14 years ago
wow 187 really grabbed me! The grey tone gets a bit light - can you up the tone a little? Can you tell me the pantone color you are using? Thanks for doing this.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Grey = RGB : 194,193,193

Blue = RGB : 48, 121, 179

Thank you...., I try again..
14 years ago
I like the size of 187 and the grey tones of 198. Thanks for the pantone colors.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you...its smaller

(This comment references Entry #216)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
why if more shiny.?

(This comment references Entry #217)
14 years ago
216 & 217: I am liking both. I like the changes to 217. There is something about the INSIDEOUT font the is still bothering me. There was an elegance to the font 34 & 44 that has gone away. It may be that the font is just a bit too fat and a slightly skinner font would be more pleasing to me. You are working so hard, thanks.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
what type font you like for this logo? because it will help me in this job. thank you ...

14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #218)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
my new concept.....!

(This comment references Entry #245)
14 years ago
Entry 245: Thanks ekobudis, this is a fresh and creative symbol. I like the powerful suggestion of the inside moving out. The INSIDEOUT is still too strong for me and feels like it is shouting at me. Can you try it with a caps and lower case version like InsideOut instead of INSIDEOUT? Thanks for this.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
thank you...., :)

(This comment references Entry #246)
14 years ago
Entry 246 has great potential. My concern is that the bottom part of the symbol will not always show the shading differences and look like a blue pool. The logo still needs some black somewhere to help it pop alittle, not too much. I really like feeling the "force of the inside coming out" in this. It is a strong message. As always, thank you.
14 years ago
Of the new entries:
251: I like the font, text size and slogan very much. I don't like that the symbol now looks like a target.
249: I like the shading a little more and the bigger ball coming "out". I don't like the splashing drops though, it feels like the ball is going in not moving out.

250: is too harsh.
Thank you.
14 years ago
Thank you for your continual work. Can I see 216 with upper and lower case letters like you did in your other entries? Thank you.
14 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #285)
14 years ago
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