I like #13. Would be interested in seeing it a little warmer color than the olive green. Would you also take a look at how we might incorporate the year "2012" into the logo? This is an annual festival and we would want to change the year. Same thoughts for logos #14 and #12.
I don't know if it's possible, but there is a famous landmark in our community that has a very distinctive architectural appeal. I'm wondering if it's possible to incorporate some sort of representation of that image into the logo? Take a look at this website and let me know what you think. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesse_Hall
I'm really liking #57. I am a little worried that we may have too much going on in terms of graphic elements. I'm wondering if you could replace the wine glass with your artwork of the dome of Jesse Hall? Same effect and balance as in #14. Great work on this. Thanks!
I really like the direction you've headed with #75 and #76.
I'd like to see some options using a different font for the dominant "Wine and Food" wording. I don't know what the font is, but it used in the masthead on the covers of Down East Magazine (http://www.downeast.com) and Sunset Magazine (www.Sunset.com). It's a nice, bold font that is very readable.
Lastly, my team is having a little anxiety over the possibility of confusion between the Jesse Hall dome in our logo and the dome of our state capitol in Jefferson City (30 miles away). To give absolute distinction between the two domes, our Jesse Hall has six columns in front of it that are the remnants of a building destroyed by fire in the 1800's. (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesse_Hall). Do you have any suggestions on how we might include some portion of the columns in your logo design?
Sorry for this last minute layer of complexity. Thanks for your OUTSTANDING work on this.
#102- LOVE IT!! This will also be an amazing poster for the event. I'd really like to see the year of the festival "2012" next to word "FESTIVAL" up top.
Again, it looks amazing! Will this be in a high enough resolution so that it can be printed in a large format?
Okay. Great! I had ranked #102 and my 1st choice earlier today but it was back in the unranked folder this evening. Not sure why. I just put it back in the number one spot. Hope you can make the changes requested above. Again. Great stuff.
Looks like we have one hour left in the competition. Would really like to see logo #102 again with the changes suggested above. No need for a rework in my opinion, I like it the way you have it. Thanks!
I am selecting #112 as my winner. Before you send final files, can you please let me see what it would like to kern out the "Festival 2012" so that it stretches across the full logo as wide as "Wine and Food"?
Thanks for your hard work on this. I apologize for the problem with the photo.