Thanks for your submissions. We like the clean look of the logos. In Entry #81, can we make the logo orange instead of green? Also, can we change the color of the firm name to white?
In Entry 73, can we flip it so that the "i" is to the left of the "c"? Also, we like the orange in the "i". For the "c", can we try a darker blue as well as some other colors? Can you also provide some variations in the firm name where it is all white, and where the uppercase "I" and "C" match the colors in the logo?
Also, in the firm name, can we change it from ALL CAPS to Initial Caps? For the lower case "i" in the firm name, the dot above each "i" can be the same color as the dot in the logo.
Thanks for the updates. We have changed our slogan to: "intellectual property + corporate attorneys for startups" (preferably all lower case, but we're open to other ideas). With our new slogan, we would like to see the "i" and "c" in our slogan also connect with the logo.
In the firm name, we would like "I" and "C" to also connect with the logo (e.g., similar colors and/or usage of the dot).
Looking forward to the slogan change. In Entry #175, can you also replace the blue in the dot with the silver of Entry 221 so that we have an orange button with a silver dot?
If you can work some orange into the firm name and slogan, that would be interesting to see. Thanks.
saya telah mengirimkan beberapa perubahan ke LT team, tapi masih menunggu beberapa waktu bagi LT team untuk menampilkan di contes anda. mungkin beberapa jam lagi, tanks
according to the policies of the LT team registration application for designers in 2011 had to wait a few minutes / hours for each entry to the logo contest that followed, in which case I've put my logo into your contest. Please wait a few more hours to LT from my team logo to send your contest, tanks
OK, we're liking #313 with the colon. The problem is that the colon is so small that it is barely recognizable. Let's try enlarging all of the wording, including the firm name and the slogan. Also, instead of using the ":" from the keyboard, can you try drawing a colon so as to make the two orange dots bigger?
Looks like you're going to be our winner with #318. Once we've selected you as our winner and you are ready to send us the files, can you send us separate files of the following: 1) orange dot alone (above the "i") 2) graphic logo (orange dot + silver button) 3) graphic logo + firm name 4) firm name + slogan 5) "Innovation Capital" alone 6) "Innovation Capital Law Group" alone 7) slogan alone 8) entire logo