We like the symbol you have in front of the business name, but would like to see it with Yellow/Orange, Blue and green colours similar to the colour codes of the dynamics symbol on www.trydynamicsonline.com. Also, we think that the fonts are not sharp enough - would like you to try with different font types and colours such as green (R: 134, G: 181, B: 58) and grey (R: 79, G: 79, B: 79). We like the fonts and how our company name is written in entry 14 (without the Pte Ltd.)
Yes we have seen them. thanks for the posts. Please give us a bit more time to evaluate. Meanwhile if you have other suggestions and especially where you play with the letters of our company name to make our brand, we would be very interested in seeing them
Okay, we like the symbole style in entry 67 and the font for company name is also great. Now we need some changes to the symbol. I beleive the symbol depicts an "i" and an "O", Could you try to redesign the symbol by changing the "O" to a "D". We need the 'i' in the symbol to reflect "something" which is "easy to turn on" or something like a beacon. I am imagining a beacon of a lighthouse depicted in the "i". We would like to see the symbol in reverse colours so where the 'i & D' is grey and the dot of the "i"/the beacon is in the green colour
Ok Odie, I think we are really close now... we really like your great work. We are somewhere between your entry 73 and 72. On one hand we find #73 a bit too dull mainly because of the dark being used whereas we for #72 might have problem getting it printed on business cards etc. We like the metalic effect and lighter grey colour you have given to the symbol in 72. could you try to put the same light grey and metalic effect on entry 73 without the 3D effect? And then another version of 72, but where you turn the symbol so you can only just see that it is in "3D"