Hi there, Thank you for all your hard work on the logos. We really love #46 we are just curious to see what it would look like if the word Ink was not all capitalized letters just the I capitalized. Also # 45 can you please change the red to yellow so we can see how that looks. Thank you so much, we appreciate you working on our logo!
Hi there, one last comment. We are really loving # 46!!! We love how you habe the needle in there and we love how you made the letter I into a squeegee. That looks really great...can you just try and define the squeegee a little more. Thank you again!!!
#95 is still our favorite logo out of all. Please can you add to the bottom of # 95...Screen Printing and Embroidery...just so we can see what it looks like. Thank you!!!
Hello, Thank you for all your revisions!!! Can you try one last look for us? Please can you make the black square a black circle so we can see what it looks like. Thank you so much for your fantastic logos. We love them.
Hi there, I wanted to ask you if it is possible to get a few different version of the logo? We like it with and without the screen printing and embroidery and we also like the circular one as well.
Hello :) thanks for your feedback, during the contest is still open, the designer can not promise anything. but I am sure you will get the best from me. my sugestions is you can pick #130 as your fave. in #130 you will get the complete versions of your logo. so in the future you can remove unwanted object. and I'm sure it's an easy thing, because in the final files, you will get *. eps files. This is a vector graphic standard format that we can edit.
Ok so #130 is definitely not my fav but you are saying we can change 130 to look like 95 right. I don't know how to do that stuff. But as soon as it ends tomorrow I wanted to us 95 to go on website and bussiness cards. You have been so helpful and awesome. Thank you!