Blues and greys are us. Like the concept but I get much more "P" than I do "I" or "T" See what you can do in a similar element but more balance emphasis on the complete "ITP"
Thanks for even more entries really like the work. The other comment I got from coworkers was the emphasis is on INFORMATION which we feel is less important than Technology or Professionals. Thanks again for your time.
#70 - got emphasis on professionals. the tagline is too faint I fear. I know it stinks to go to 3 lines but the words are so large we don't have much choice I don't think. We like the shading but thought the wording ws more important we know you could shade in the end if we chose. Thanks for the continued work
#83 and its group is another great Idea getting feedback from other members of my team and we will update. I like how its clean it is.
#78 the tagline is more readable in this bolder color
#76 again the tagline is much more readable but I worry about setting this against a dark background what happens to the dark gray box thats why we preferred #78