#3 is really on-target. The negative-space propeller is really cool. (can the blades be made a little thinner? Maybe a little less nautical :) Also good is the two-line, justified company name
It would probably look better to drop the "Inc." (although It was in the original spec)
How about a more industrial/mechanical font for the co.? I do like the sans-serif though. and font choice is great for slogan.
what happens if we jettison the grid in #2? (I'm trying to think of what would be good in that space, but maybe nothing would get more points for simplicity)
I'd be very interested in #21 where the white space in the logo is very thin (again, looks like a boat propeller here). Font is great, but to boost simplicity, let's try just black text, with grey slogan.
How does the logo look with just a gradient (no grid)? Does it still have the 3D feel?
YES! It's getting better with every iteration. But we lost the overlap (that makes a little triangle in the center like #22). Can I have that back?
I'm laughing at myself because I am just noticing all the color is gone, but I seem to like it better that way. Maybe I just like the heavier shades. How about a navy blue?
#28 has really already addressed this, and is a great entry. I would like to see a 100% saturated dark navy blue to maybe 20% saturation of the same color in place of the black to blue gradient (more like #25, but not all the way to white/0%). Would also like to see if we can get that overlap/mobius effect back without loosing what we have.
I am ok making the center triangle almost vanishingly small, if it helps, and maybe even including a tiny gap between the panels near the center (connecting the "hub" with the "blades"), but not quite as much as #23.
Looking again, what I'm asking for is basically #25, but with a somewhat smaller hub, and larger blades, but that will probably trade off with going back to the boat propeller look again, which is why I want to look at a slight separation at the hub.
Thanks for your continued revisions, and LOL at your comment on #26 :)
WOW i cant belive what a feedback! Other contest holders dont give that much and im glad finaly theres a CH who like to work with designer. Im glad you like my work and i'll post the modifications soon. I made #26 couse my girlfriend told me :DDD
I think that is exactly it. I can think of nothing better to do with the shape.
The color comes out a little on the purple side. #28 had a good color.
I just tried it, and see that it's an optical illusion created by the gradient. It looks like a gradient from, say, #004080 to #b0d0ff (RGB) helps counteract that. See what you think. If you want to submit that I'll post it as number 1, but then take a breather. At this point I think we can afford to let it stew a little bit, I like what you've done, and if I need to add something later, don't want to burn you out before the end :)
In the meanwhile, I gotta ask where your avatar comes from. I worked on a project at Pfizer that I almost certain used a derivitve as a logo for a data warehouse project. If it's yours, and you didn't get anything for it, you might be due for a piece of the action.
Here it is with #004080 to #b0d0ff (RGB). Soon i'll post somethin closer to #28. I agree, stewing is important when you are making something! Dont wory about burning me out couse im in bad all day resting couse i hurt my back today realy bad so im with my lap top non stop..
The blue sphere is from a font, its not mine but i like it very much! If you are inteested i'll send you the font with spheres.
The only thing that i would change is black color that is too agresive for my taste and i think it would be good changing it to gray to have more soft feel to it.
I like the escapement gear in #98 and #99, but would prefer it inscribed in the regular gear.
Although #100 would do better as an favicon, I still think 62 has closer to the right number of teeth. I pulled #62 off the bench as a solution to the teeth-vs-resolution conflict.
I asked my sister if she had any favorites, and she agreed with my choice of #62, "I like the way it's chewing up the name" says she. So I think it's bigger problem than I thought. maybe flip it vertically (so the bits end up at the top left), and have spaces between the output bits that decrease in size up to the letter "S", even if it means the "S" stroke is only 1 "bit" thick.
Thanks for submitting such a variety of designs. You are a one-man logotournament :)
While #115 is generally a miss, and #116 would have done better on day 1, I love #102. Simplicity, 2-color 3D, the escapement gear solves the rotational direction problem, and it will likely work as a favicon.
I'm still hanging on to the processed bits. Can you add equally-spaced cubes in the same two-color 3D in line with the bottom of the gear? As variation to that, maybe put the slogan underneath, so the bits act as a dividing line.
I also liked the design where the bits become the base of the "S" (#101), but I don't want the text to be 3D, and figure 4-5 bits would be about the minimum to get the idea, so I am still debating which way to go between the two.