In regards to #21 could we see this with a different gradient like the dark blue color in #90, with text all black, and try a couple different fonts? Perhaps also uppercase the INC but have it in small-caps style (smaller font size than the rest of the name and gray) ?
Thank you, really like where the logo is going, could you update so that the logo has the inner gear from #101 with the font from #21 (but all black text) and the outer gear all black ...and can I also see it with the outer gear in dark blue as well?
Can I see a version of #21 with the text black (don't want just the word "motions" in blue) and the outer gear and ring in solid black as well? I think that will do it! Thank you!
We are about to select a winner and I just wanted to make sure that if we pick you we can get all the color variations and versions that you submitted of the final logo. Let me know.
Hi there sure thing but would take a while to submit all the entries can you indicate which font style and color should be the main base the colors will then follow this. Also I can send you the original Illustrator file it contain all the entry options. You must choose a final entry for me to send it via logotournament all the additional formats will be given via email or dropbox files may be larger. Thanks will wait for your update.