We like #36. Can we see it with a couple different fonts and maybe color combinations? I would stay with dark blues, grey and black. Also can make a couple different variations of of the symbol. Maybe get rid of the ILS inside of it. You can make a version with some of the dots linked and one without them linking at all. I want to see what will look the best and if we want to keep it as number 1.
Also, on #37, we would like to see "lighting systems" in a light grey and a version making it pop a bit more. A few variations of it would be great. Our client is showing interest in your logo but has a couple others they really like. I think some variations would lead them in your direction.
Hey Filipe, we haven't seen the updates and we only have a short time in order to complete our change requests. Please upload what you have soon in order for us to make a proper decision. We would also like to add that we want to see the dotted icon with thinner "connection lines" between the dots. We really like your logo and feel this could definitely be the winner but we need to see the changes first. Thanks so much!
I´m sorry for not uploading the revisions as i said, but it was really impossible for me to upload them last night. Right now, i am not at home where i have the files and logos and i can´t do them here :( but in about 4 hours i will get them and upload them, i hope it´s not too late.
please hurry...we have to do a review with the client and want to make sure we get what we want before proceeding. The review from their side is international so it takes a bit of time and we are starting to run out. I appreciate the update.
I just uploaded some variations, with thinner lines, and without lines, and a font variation using the blue color you gave. I´m still working in more variations, so let me know what you like to see more. Thank you
We appreciate the changes...I think we are pretty much complete with changes. Can you make #136 in a different font style and also try it with the lines not spelling ILS? #136 could be the winner but I just need to make sure. We appreciate all your hard work!
If we picked #136 as the winner could we have it with a blue background as well? I want the logo to be reversible. Maybe the background blue with this color... RGB 0, 112, 192 or just the blue you already have in it.
We really like 143 so could we see it used with the background from 37? I noticed the ones in 141 and 142 are similar, however we want to keep the font color solid rather than a gradient. Thank you!
Everything is looking good, can we see #152 with a slightly darker "lighting systems" and also the same thing but with the "lighting systems" using the dark grey shade from #143.