REALLY like 227 - can you try some different versions of this one? We'd like to see some other fonts used for "prints" and maybe even for "indigo" but we really like how the "g" trails over underneath the word prints. Is there a way to make it look just a little bit more "expensive"
I think we'd like to stick with using a serif font for the word prints. 271 is closer, but not crazy about that font. Love the look of MrsEaves font or something similar? Just a thought.
Can you try to thin down "indigo" a bit? Just a tiny bit.
In reference to my thinning comment above, Really like the balance of the thin/thick parts of the letters on 270, but prefer the font for 227. Maybe try to balance that just a teeny bit more.
Here's maybe some more feedback on 316 that might help. The letters are spaced a little too far apart. We like the idea of the tail on the "g" sweeping more under the words prints. This one just loops around. Maybe if you thicken this font up just a little it might help it feel a little less feminine.
344 is nice! Can you shorten the tail up just a little bit? Maybe so that it stops somewhere around the "r"? Also, the "o" in indigo is a little loopy - can you simplify it?