A simple logo to describe the new invention of sensorless technology used to get the polar position of the armature (symbolized by the bar magnet in clockwise rotary motion in red & blue) of an electrical motor (symbolized by the curved magnets in metallic gray color or gradient).
#147: + One additional idea would be to have the bubble circle (as in #147) around the "I" of INCH, so that the big red bubble would be the i dot. Between "I" and "N" is the space increased + Another idea is that the circle bubble circles the letters "INC". I think to turn the bubble circle clockwise by 90°, flip it verticaly so that the big red bubble is again the i dot and the small red bubble lays at the end of the "C". Below the INCH text is then the blue bubble half circle where the blue big Circle starts by the "C" and the small blue circle ends by the "I" ? Please provide a version with a font similar as #115
#147: + Dear kawsar: Thanks a lot for your quick reaction! You show an excellent effort! + Can you please provide #147 with the font of #188. Many Thanks