thank you for the submissions. I do like them! Do you think the tag line is going to be able to be reproduced or do you think it will get lost as it is too long? and do you think the blue will print well and be easily legible? thanks
Thank you for the feedback. Yes blue will print wll and legible. I will provide you another color scheme for an option. And also will make the tagline bigger for comparison. Feel free to ask for more revision.
My favourite one of yours now is #15. May I see it in black and white and with the tag lines? Also possibly with the tag lines beneath each other instead of next to each other? And then the icon above as an option too (in the example with the icon above, the b can be the normal font used) and then how it might look without the icon, just the in-body (with the b as the "image" as you have it?
still really like #25 and #28, but received some feedback that the "icon" kindof looks like a "wheelchair" sign or person in a wheelchair :-( I thought it looked like i and B and chemistry
anyway - it is going to be used in corporate and public domain, so if you can find a way to make icon look less like a potential person in wheelchair
sorry - know its a weird comment - but I got it from 3 friends
love the font and way the in-body and positioning is done