Hi xivi, thanks for so many designs. We like #30 and #135 most. And we think that the 3D effect in #135 will be difficult for us to use in print outs. Try to use less effects - more clean.
The reasons why we ranked the top 5 are: - the circle in xivi's design reflects the theme of change - the used look of mungki’s design looks great and is uncommon - the design from princess_marie uses a nice font and the raising sun / focuses on people - the logo from jjbq is very clean and uses a simple idea with the “V” - the design of beinjustcreative applied the idea of a stamp
Additionally, we would like to provide you another hint which might be included in the design: Our last names start wit “P” and “R”.
Hi, thanks for the coments and feedback, :) i already updated my design in entr #150 #151 #152 #153 & #154 , hope you like it , and please, feel free to tell me if you have any request, thankyou
Hi pungky, we like your design #30 still the most. What we are looking for is a pictorial image that can stand on its own. Can you create such a design based on only the "i" with the circle around .. like "@" .. and start the circle from the left corner of the dot. and we like orange and grey as colors mocBlog
hi thankyou, sure i can do that, i make a variation based your new brief. update ready in entry #164 #166 #168 #170 #177 #178 , thankyou feel to coments or request, thankyou :)
Hi pungky, based on your design #177 we would like to see some minor adaptions. - can you use the following colors orange (CMYK: 0/50/97/0) and grey (CYMK: 59/51/51/20). - use the font from #177 and a second version with the font used in #154 - increase the "radius" of the circle around our "i" a bit - so maybe 25% - add the circle/ellipse like in #177 to the word improve - again around the "i" So that we have a logo and a word. Thanks mocBlog
and we are currently more confused that confident that we ware on the right track with these designs. If you have something other on your mind, feel free Thanks mocBlog
Hi mocBlog, thankyou , update ready , i make some variation in entry #190 #191 #192 #193 #194 #195 #196 #197 hope one of it on the right track like you want , :) please feel free if you need to changes anything in the design, thanks pungky
Hi, we are almost there .. please, just some few adjustments. - Can you use a font thickness between #196 and #197. - create three logos with that thickness: 1. only the "i" with the arrows 2. only the word improve - with the orange dot on "i". without arrows and circles, just plain text. 3. the design of #190 - without the circled "i". Only with the circle starting at the "v". All three with the medium sized font between 197 and 196. Thanks, mocBlog
Hi, update design ready :) with font thickness between #196 an 197 , hope this right, please let me know if if the new update is not like the design you mentioned in the brief above. 1, only the i with the arows in entry #198 2. the plain text in entry #199 3 design with circle in the v in entry #200
Hi pungky, congratulations - hope you had the same fun as we had during our tournament. We like all of your three design no. 199-201 and we would like to take them even while we are unsure if we will use no. 200. We will discuss this internally in the next weeks. We are looking forward to receiving your files. Thanks, mocBlog
Hi mocBlog, thankyou so much for selecting me to be the winner :) , i really enjoyed every brief in the contest. and since the contest already ended i can send you both entry 199 and 201 if you want, to your email. and please, feel free to contact me anytime, via email or LT , if you have any problems, or needs help with the design i created. thankyou again