Connecting adults and kids through play.
What We Do
Improv Parenting provides improv education, performances, workshops, and content/tips/tricks to all ages, but is mainly focused on families with smaller children. Our goal is to help kids and adults be more connected, have/build confidence, and enable creativity through applied improv.
Color Preferences
All colors are acceptable, but would like to see a logo that has the ability to be web friendly and transition to B/W as well as in color. Suggested colors include: Grey, Orange, Blue, Purple, Green, Yellow (any of these)
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Our current logo is too masculine and hard to understand. Our goal is to showcase the imaginative nature of what we do - playing games, being creative, make things on the fly, and having fun - that everything is something new and not predetermined. We are looking for something playful but also not childlike - it should be directed to adults, not kids. We would like to see a style that has texture, and unrefined (not polished), and has the appearance that it was that it was made with traditional art tools like pencil, marker, etc. A great example is the artists drawings in this book - the pencil nature and just brainstorming that is implied: