Hi, it's now only 11 hours to the end and so far your entry 75 is my favourite. Can you provide me another version with the following changes:
- the sentence "unconventional corporate services" a bit more easy to be read. Imagine it printed on a brochure with a 60 years hold guy reading it..I am not saying to be predominant neither to change font's proportions which I like...maybe it's jiust a matter of putting it in bold or changing font stye or else..I have no clue you are the professional :)
- use a sliglty darker blue
I am not sure of the final result maybe I will still preferr entry 75..by the way in case you win the contest I MUST be sure that apart from the legal documentation that I am the logo's owner I will have it at least in the following formats: EPS, JPEG, Adobe Illustrator. OK?? Waiting for your answer. Stefano