Birth RenaissanceLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Birth Renaissance

Birth Renaissance has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 13 designs from 4 different designers from around the world.




Logo Designer
Concept 1. I am working on portraying the woman holding the baby to the sun (per your idea) so that it flows as a logo.

(This comment references Entry #1)
14 years ago
Dear Desiree,

I LOVE the logo!!!! It's really beautiful and I love how you incorporated color in it with the yellow sun, purple dress, blue/turquoise baby blanket and even the woman's red hair. So lovely!! I think the only thing I would like to see is a shoulder on the male instead of just a rounded arm (like the manly shoulder for her to lean on) and some black hair on him in a short style. The person behind the woman is very nondescript so I think the logo would be PERFECT with these two small things (male shoulder and some dark short hair). Really excellent work and I have to say that I never expected something so beautiful from the first entry! :-)

14 years ago
Logo Designer
Well I am so glad! That truly makes me happy! (I'm expecting a baby myself, so this contest really hit 'home' with me.)

And yes, I was re-looking at the Male figure today, and thought those same things. He kind of looks like a bit 'blob like' just hiding behind her :-)

I will make the changes as soon as possible.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Per your described changes. :-)

(This comment references Entry #4)
14 years ago
Dear Desiree,

First, congratulations no your new baby! I am so very happy for you. If there is any nutritional or lifestyle advice I can help you with during your pregnancy (not sure if this applies as you may be delivery soon - not sure?) I would be happy to help in any way I can.

I LOVE the changes you made to the logo. I think the shoulder and the hair really finishes it off. GREAT work! I truly appreciate your attention to creating the details I asked for. Wonderful and I think it is perfect the way it stands. I wouldn't change a thing.

Surprisingly, a few more designers submitted some additional logos this morning, so I am going to look through them and start ranking. I have about four more days for my contest to run, so please know that I will check in with you again and be actively ranking.

Stay tuned!

Warmest Regards,

Caroline :-)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you. :-) I'm delivering in late March/Early April. He is baby #3, first boy, so we are really excited.

And yes, you will most likely get quite a few more entries. That's the beauty of logotournament. :-) There is a lot of talent on here.

14 years ago
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