Hello, here is my concept for you. I've included a lazer line to tie into the company's services. I have also used the "medical" blue and reds with green accents.
Very nice logo, effective use of colour. I'd like to see a version that shows an uppercase IMI component and a larger "Healing Technolgies". Perhaps the small horizontal lines that go on top of and below the "I" could also be green. Very good initial submission.
Hello, thank you for your feedback. I have been playing with the image a lot. Here is my new submission. I do not like adding the green blocks above and below the capital "i"s. I have played with it but it always looks awkward and old fashioned - definitely not the logo of a techical/science based company - it ends up looking industrial. And they seem to conflict with the arch of the laser beam. Anyway, here is what I have come up with instead. The green lines add colour like the ones you had requested but they also elongate the logo so that the "health technologies" can be larger while still being contained in the icon. Hope this is to your liking but I can still submit with your original requests if you would like,
Can you try thinner lines for #39, it reminds me of the THX logo. Also, can you redo #22 as purple and gold. (Gold imi, with purple dots for the i's, keep the red line, and have a purple "Healing Technolgies" at the bottom).
Hello, here is the purple and gold version. I've used blocks for dots as a variation but can also leave the dots as circles (or turn them into spheres) if you would rather.
Here is the thinner lines. You are right about the reseblance to the THX logo though... not that it would be bad, it is a great and very well known logo!
I would be happy to make any adjustments to the original design if you would like to see them. for example, alternate layout of the font or more 3D effects. Glad to see a Canadian company on here!
Hello again. Here is one more variation with spheres and a green tag line. I can also give you a version of "healing technologies" stacked on top of each other, should you choose this design. Best of luck!