Hi Sevi, I really like where you are going with your designs, I like the silver colour and the swirl around the M, dont mind if this shape is more prominent. My company offers an "all in one" service so like the circular motion. Keep it up.
#36 Hi Sevi, can I see this logo with a variation please. Can you replace the M in iMaintenance with the large M and the swirl from above but remove the dot as there is already a dot in the i. I would also like to see the large M with the swirl and the dot as its own sperate logo (no writing)
#37 Are we able to make a revision please 1. can you please remove the dot on the i completely and replace the M with the M, swirl and dot, then move the existing m, swirl and dot to above the logo?
Then we would like to see a second logo to be the same as the revision above but replace the grey with red and the blue with black
Thank you for your patience, I think we are getting there :)
Hi Sevi - reference #155, we like this but would like to see the i shorter as it is in #21 and still without the dot and then the iM symbol above iMaintenance to be exactly the same as the iM symbol in iMaintenance but bigger. I think that will look great Thanks GH
#166 looks great - love everything but it still has the wrong swirl, we like the exact swirl from #37 and this way the little i can stay right next to the M....so close Thanks GH
#180 this one is so close, please copy the small M, swirl and dot in the word (this is exactly what we want) and enlarge it to replace the M and swirl above the writing. Can you also do one in orange just out of interest? We really want this but want to get it right please Thanks GH