#19 What we like : the drawing above the name. Invites to movement, creates some positive expectation, associates us with the bead about to fall and hit to move the system. What we don't like : the font used for the name.
What we'd suggest : Work the font. With the drawing, make different attempts, move the thing, use other color sets as well as the green/blue pair.
Thank for having brought up something unlike the rest.
#56 and #60 we would not go for the pawn as in Europe, the pawn is often associated with "manipulating" people of little or no will. Being moved like a pawn means you have been taken from a place to another with little or no consideration for your person or for what you represent.
#50 The ripple effect is a good idea. The problem being that a lot of people in our business already use it for their brand, for their logo, for their marketing or for all of it.
- Try it in green and blue instead of purple and orange - The font istelf and the way it is set do not convince us. Could you work a thicker font for example ? - Could you introduce the slogan "humanismo empresarial" around the logo to see how it all works out ?
We have a few other minimal requests playing around with your design.
- One version of the #109, taking is as it is but making the letter I, the same size as the rest of the letters.
- One version of the #109, putting the drawing of #90 and putting it in green in #109 but sizing it down a bit to the size you have in #109. Also with the letter I the same size as the rest of the letters.