Hi. Beautiful Logo. I am wondering if we could get the Imagination Studio in the outer circle, kind of like how Starbucks does theirs (the lettering could be within the line surrounding the circle). Also, could we try getting the whole unicorn in there and see what it looks like. For the lettering, I think it should be all the same colors...it's harder for me to read with the rainbow colors.
My mom and I love love love this logo. You are very talented. I really like how the unicorn shows strength. In reference to entry 37 (which is my favorite), I was wondering if we could tweak it a bit.
I would like the letters all in caps, and underneathe the logo, something like this IMAGINATION S T U D I O I would like the IMAGINATION part to be the focus, and the STUDIO part to be a bit smaller.
I am also wondering if we could make the colors flat...like how the Starbucks logo has no depth to it-no shading.
Also, could we have the lettering all in black.
I love how the unicorn is white...let's keep it that way. I am wondering if we could make the background one flat color-you choose-I am not sure yet what color.
Could we make the horn go slightly upwards to the sky?
Also...could we make the eyes slightly less "fierce". I don't want to scare away the little kids, and I feel like they look a bit scary.
And thank you for your patience with me. I know I am super picky. But I absolutely love your logo and am so excited about it.
No worries, I love this design too and I'm here to make this logo functional and eye catching. Changes uploaded, please let me know if changes are what you want me to do or if I miss something.
but I think you do not have to worry...you will def be in my top five at the end of phase 1. isnt that how this works? is that a photo of you in your avatar?
You're awesome. I love all of them. I am not sure if I like the half horse or just the head. I can't decide. What do you like better? I like the idea of having more of the unicorn showing, but I just love the look of the head inside the circle-looks so strong. Thanks so much!!!!
I really like how does #147 or #144 looks middle body inside the imagination bubble, but I also likes how just the head looks.
Cause is the same unicorn it all can be used in different applications, maybe full body in bigger prints so it shows full detail and maybe just head or middle body for little prints.
If there is any other change I can make please tell me, happy to work on it.
For the logo, I think I love just the head of the unicorn the best. 37 is my favorite still, as I have ranked it first. I actually like the way the head is facing down with his horn down how you did it in 37 (I know I asked for it to be more upward, but now I realize I like yours better). Can we make his horn a bit shorter, so it does not touch the circle. I would like lettering more like the starbucks logo's lettering. Do you have a sampling of lettering I can look at and choose from?
Also, I really like the eyes of the unicorn in the picture I posted called "The Last Unicorn". It's a children's movie and I really love the eyes of that unicorn. Can you make the eyes look somewhat like that?
I also just added a photo on my contest brief page of a door. I love the colors used here and would like to see this color scheme in the logo. I like the dark blue (royal blue) and turquoise (light blue). Those colors are awesome.
i would like to see some variations on the font. could you possibly show me some examples of some fonts that are simple and easy to read? I like 197 the best, so let's stick with this logo, but make minor variations-the font i would like to see some variations. i am still not sold on the colors. any suggestions? i am wondering if we shoud just do a deep brown with white unicorn. i like flat colors without any gradations or shading in the color.
Font variations uploaded, I think is important to choose the font before move to the color variations because I can play with the colors in one single proposal.
I like the colors placed where I said, as you have done in your most recent entries....but I like the violet/blue you used in 204-the darker color. I guess it's a bit blue-I considered it violet. Wondering if we could make it even a stronger, more saturated violet.---but the same hue of that used in 204 thanks so much
love the one i ranked in first. could we take out the black outline around the outer circle? also, could we take out the white line on the inner circle?
It's gorgeous Fracco....I love it. I'm going to get some friends and families opinion on small minor tweaks in the next few days. You did such a great job-couldn't have asked for more Thanks Cory
i like the ones i ranked one and two the best. hmmmmmmm. what do you think? do you think you love it as is? any changes you can think of? I don't know the rules of the contest. am i allowed to get a full unicorn from you with the body and head for other stuff i will use-like coloring sheets for the kids-i like the full body you already did in entry 109. the logo i ranked one or two will be the "winner" of contest, but just wondering if i could also download a full body just for random stuff.
Being honest I prefer the versions like #238, the white lines between black and violet give lightness to the design, give air and instead of make the logo saturated let it breathe and looks cleaner.
You'll need a version of the unicorn in full body? #243 is the one with the right horn and eye of #238 I can send it to your mail once the contest be completed, no problem cause I make that one to your contest.