I like this one (#55), but I think I want to go with a horizontal logo, rather that vertical. I would also change the blue/ green color to more of a baby blue. I do like the overall design though. I also really like #47 probably more than 55. I am away from my computer and have been unable to change my rankings from my iPhone. Thanks
I Love this one. Changes I would make, use a lower case "f" in faith and shrink "portrait art just a bit. I also wouldn't mind seeing it with the colors reversed, blue "faith" brown everything else or at least the text. Maybe leave the mother and child blue. Otherwise I love it!!!!
I like this also, but I like the font you used in #66 better with a lower case "f". I would also like to see #69 with those changes and the mother child in brown to better separate the "faith". We are definitely going the right direction though. Thanks for all of your hard work and changing things around for me as I am a very visual person and need to see everything before I can decide. Thanks again, Faith
I really like the flow of the mother/child in #80, but I get lost in the text as it is a little too much and not readable enough. I think it also displaces the "portrait art" a bit. Here is my favorites if you can combine. I don't know if its possible, but I'd love to see the mother child with the logo from #47 just as it is. I just dont know if it would work or not because of the "F". maybe it could be reversed and put on the other side? I don't know if that would look as good though. I'd love to hear or see your thoughts.
#85 I love it! can I see it with the mother child in brown? I know Im a total pain in your neck! If you can, I just want to make sure it doesn't look better that way. Thanks, Faith