#29 #30 my two favorites with a softer baby blue colour. personally i much prefer the other more aqua colour because i think it looks amazing with the dark brown. I though i would do these though just incase they match the blue in your studios better then the other colour.
a more graceful typeface as per your request, including a lower case 'f' let me know if there are any other changes you would like me to make to ay aspect of the logo =) thanks, bugy.
I have been away from my computer, sorry. I also didn't know about the personal message board. I think I like #39 the best. That is the font I use often in marketing material. I am unable to do any ranking from my iPhone so I have to wait until I can get wifi to update that. I appreciate all your work, that one (#39)is definately at the top!
using the same typeface as #39. in #39 i moved both "images by" and "portrait art" further away from the dark brown rectangle as "images by" got a bit tangled up win the tops of the 'f' and 'h' from "faith and it all got a bit messy. i feel it works better with "images by" and "portrait art" up close to the dark brown rectangle so in #49 and #50 i worked on fitting it all in together.
in #49 i made the tops of the letters form "faith" a bit lighter so it doesn't look as tangled and busy. in #50 i simply made "faith" smaller so it fits in the box and doesn't interfere with the other text =)
i prefer #50 because i think the tops of the letters got a bit lost against the white background anyway.
I think I still like #50 best. I can't rank with my iPhone for some reason, thats why you are not in the #1spot. As soon as I get online with a reg. Computer I'll change ranks. I do have some votes still for the one in the #1 spot to stay there. I am the owner,I get to choose :)
ok first i just want to apologise as i've been neglecting this contest a bit over the last week or so. ive revised and adapted my other concept that you liked to include a baby as well as a pregnant woman made with the plant / grass style shapes i had previously. it retains the sophisticated and stylish look that will appeal to adults (ie; the people who do the paying =) but still has that slightly storybook (im thinking this is what you are going for based on current rankings) feel due to the colours and shapes. it is fairly abstract but i have always believed that the most effective logos are the ones where you cant quite tell what they are at first glance. im going for more of "hey that looks cool........................................oh wow theres a baby and a pregnant woman in there as well!" rather than "oh that baby and pregnant woman logo looks nice." i feel it gives it a bit of extra kick and makes it more memorable if you dont figure it out straight away.
hope you understand all this, i am waffling a bit =) any feedback you could give would be very handy. thanks! bugy.
i have modified the text in this one a bit just incase you feel that its a bit too abstract and want the information to be more... direct. i think with this one people will look at it, like what they see, read the text, look closer, realise that the shapes are a baby and a woman and like it even mroe =)
also just in case your not aware when the contest goes into the judging phase the designer with their entry in the #1 spot can continue to submit entries allowing you to do any final tweaks that you might want.