Hi. thanks for some great ideas. I like Entry #2 best. Perhaps a softer color and softer details. Maybe various fonts although I like the font. Entry #1 I dislike the color scheme.
I am liking the purple (2) and (12). Can we try different shades of each? I like both fonts and I like the grey. Its clean and simple and feminine but not too girly...I am appealing to consumers who want professionalism but are also in crisis (facing cancer, infertility and other maladies). I also need to appeal to physicians who refer to my service..
I am wondering if we can rotate or tweak the symbol a bit - a colleague thought it looked perhaps too "southwest" or "religious" .... I really like the simplicity and color schemes
I am wondering if we can rotate or tweak the symbol a bit - a colleague thought it looked perhaps too "southwest" or "religious" .... I really like the simplicity and color schemes
I like the rotated symbol a lot. Can we try a few different colors - maybe shades of light purple, grey/blue tones? Can we also experiment with different fonts? Perhaps a bold font? Id be interested in any similar symbols as well
I like 43 and 26 - like the colors - would like a few more font choices. I like the font in 47 but like the layout of the others better. Decisions, decisions? I think we are headed in the right direction! Any other color suggestions?
My team likes the all caps and likes shades of purple (they thought too pink would indicate we are a womens health service which we are not exclusively). We see equal numbers of men. Id like to see it in all shades of purple that are not too pinky
Ok. We are so close! We love entry 106 - the color is just right. Debating between all caps and mix of caps and lowercase. Also I cannot decide on font!
Do you have any suggestions? I am debating between 43, 92, 102, 106...help!
Ok- my team wanted to see 106 and 140 with just the first letter capitalized. Also they wanted to see 106 with Navigation in Purple (They thought it would highlight service is about navigation NOT illness). I think I prefer all one color but lets try it
Here is #143 I like this shades of purple, its not girlish because of the predominance of the blue, its more violet. And as you know, the violet is a color of sophistication and royalty....