In 67 I really like your background. That really captures the feel of what I am trying to achieve with a flowing matrix feel. Try a teal green color(similar to CNN one) and maybe a combination of colors blue and green in background and within the lettering.
Hi vanrietteland , Here are my revisions #84 , #85 #86 and #87 . I hope that you like the color treatment Ive made. , Hoping for your more feedback . God bless!!!
Hi Contest Holder, I just made new concept of an abstract car, I hope that you like it #110 #111 #112 . I hope that I can hear more feedback from you, because I really need to win ! God bless!
Hi Contest Holder, I made a revision now #119 #120 #122 , at this time I remove the wheels to make the car more abstract in form . I hope that you like it. If you want any changes then just tell me and i will fix it. God bless!!!
Hi Contest Holder, I made new revisions , I hope that you like it . #134 #135 #136 #137 #138 #139 and #140 . I hope that you like the overall treatment I made. God bless!!!
Hi Contest Holder, , I also made new revision with simpler abstract car and little retouch in matrix fading lines #148 #149 and #150 . I hope that you like it . God bless!
Hi Contest Holder, I made a revision now with little retouch of the P which I made with slide bottom and also little retouch in the IPV letters with the swoosh to make it better look for an abstract car incorporated with letters. I hope that you like it . God bless !!!
Hi vanrietteland, I made it now, as you like to see with more light green in a matrix background. #155 and #156 . If there are any changes you like to ask , just please tell me then I will fix it . God bless!