We are in the final procress of working on the airport rebrand can you provide the pantone and fonts for this logo (#68 for now) so we may move forward on the deck. Thanks!
Yes , no problem , when you ends contest , i will send you by mail everything you need ( fonts , colors ) , and in a futureif you need something else to improve or changing on design ill be glad to help. We will be in touch by mail, like i am with all my clients
Hey, you are going to be the winner of the contest. Good Job!! We however, are working with an Airport Board and a Mayors office and they want to meet in a few days vote on the final design. We would like to work with you (if we need to) after the fact to refine the design of the logo. If possiable, please email me directly at jeffrey@sixelconsulting.com
Thanks again for all you help.
Jeffrey Hayes | Director of Marketing Sixel Consulting Group | Indianapolis, Indiana (e) jeffrey@sixelconsulting.com (w) sixelconsulting.com