Thanks for your designs. I do not think that the 4 letter abbreviation IDSA fits into what we are looking for. If possible, please provide additional designs. Thank you.
Thanks. For #'s 86 - 88, we like the concept of the lines coming off the image indicating an "alert", but the way the lines are positioned currently it looks more like it indicates brightness than an alert. Can we use an alternate layout to indicate the alert? Let me know if you need any clarification.
thank you for rank and feedback, here my update in #95. I think it's more obvious indicate the alert rather than brightness. Also i try to stay away from fingerprint since it's overused in "ID" logo
#95 - Can we see a version with the alert image above the "A" in black rather than red. Also, it does not appear that the alert image is centered properly over the "A". It appears to be positioned slightly to the left. Is that something that can be corrected? Thank you again.
#123 - we would like to see a version with the alert symbol in black and red. Specifically, have to the 2 outside waves in black (as they appear now) and the middle one in red. Thanks.