I Heart LandscapingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / I Heart Landscaping

I Heart Landscaping has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 148 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.










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#91 is clever. classy too. thank you. I will rank soon...
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi please rank, so I can submit additional design/revisions if you desire to see.

13 years ago
Hey greenlite, I have updated finally my top 5. I have enjoyed your designs. Im not exactly sure what i want yet, but i was considering not using the word heart in the logo at all. What do you think?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi.. thanks for your ranking. I will continue working on your logo.

Not using the "heart" word is ok, but do you think the customers will think your company name is I LOVE, instead of I HEART?

heart symbol usually presents the meaning of LOVE

Just my two cents :))

13 years ago
in this case I would have to have something else on my vehicle with the actual words and web site. in the end its most important that my customers clearly understand that they are hiring someone who is passionate about what they do.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I totally agree with you.
13 years ago
so far I really like the direction of #91.
13 years ago
I really think i'm leaning towards not using the word heart after some research. I really like the heart and leaf you have in #91. what are some variations of this logo without the word heart?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi.. the heart symbol with leaf totally presents what industry are you doing.. simple yet symbolic

Here's the version without the word "Heart" #116 #117

13 years ago
91 is really good because of the i and the heart with a leaf. its identifiable and I like how this heart is tilted a bit unlike the others. i'm still not sure wether to put the word in or not but the other logos without the word that you submitted seemed a little boxy and didn't seem quite as elegant as this one.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi there...

The idea of tilted heart popped up in my mind just like that :D It looks different from the others I agree

I will try the version of the tilted heart without the word "heart"

thank you

13 years ago
what if we just took the word heart out of # 91? everything else is the same. maybe we can make the i black with a round, red dot...
13 years ago
or a red i and a round, black dot
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Do you mean like this? :)

#130 #131

13 years ago
which ones do you like?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I prefer the black I with red dot. :)

#130 somehow the word LANDSCAPING underneath looks distracting. IMO, the composition of #125 is cooler.

How about you? which one do you like?
13 years ago
Logo Designer

version with the black I & rounded red circle

13 years ago
for some reason the logo with the word heart in it is really clean and flows nicely. I keep trying to not use the word but it just doesn't look right to me....
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Having a hard time to decide huh :D

#142 new proposal for your consideration. the word LANDSCAPING typed around the edge of the love shaped. Thanks.
13 years ago
can I see what 138 looks like with a black background?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
#145 : on black background

12 years ago
Hey Greenlite,
Congratulations! I have selected you as the winner. I would like to make a few changes before finalization. I want logo#138 on a black background with black font highlighted with a color like metal). There is a good chance I will be putting this on a black vehicle and black apparel.

Thanks for all your hard work!

12 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you so much for going with my logo design. Beyond my expectations!! It's been really fun doing your logo. I will provide both version of the logo.

Here's the metal version #146

12 years ago
do you think we can keep everything exactly the same as #138, but put that metal coloraround the black lettering? I want it to be able to be seen on a black vehicle or black apparel?
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes not a problem at all.
12 years ago
for example on anothers designs, #53 and 111 is some silver or metal color shading or highlighting behind the words to help them show up on black background. can we add that to your # 138??
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Ok I get what you mean. Sorry for misunderstood. be right back.
12 years ago
Logo Designer
Here you go


12 years ago
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