We think you're on the right track - but yet again we're just not that excited about the logo mark. It's definitely on the right track but maybe the compass style diamond is throwing us off... ? Maybe try some other things with this - or even something new?
We think this one has some potential. The text is PERFECT and doesn't need to be changed. This is now ranked 2 in the contest :)
1) The logo mark needs some major work. The diamond in the middle seems out of place for some reason - and we're not even really sure if we like the diamond at all honestly.
2) Maybe add some red/black color into the logo mark - add a small amount of gradient into it - and play around with the logo mark some more?
We put a comment in the comments section to let all designers know this (because of a different designer kept putting arrows in every logo he submitted). We want to make sure designers don't waste their time with arrows.
We really don't see an elephant being the brand of our business - but it's a good attempt! We definitely don't want to have arrows pointing in the northwest - it's overly used in the industry and not important to us.
We're not really feeling this logo mark for some reason. The text is okay, although northwest needs to be even smaller in font size in our opinion. The work HYPER looks great as it is.
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1) The logo mark needs some major work. The diamond in the middle seems out of place for some reason - and we're not even really sure if we like the diamond at all honestly.
2) Maybe add some red/black color into the logo mark - add a small amount of gradient into it - and play around with the logo mark some more?
The logo mark isn't making us excited though - we would love to see other logo marks that we can work with.
Also switch up the colors - make "HYPER" red and "NORTHWEST" in black.
Also, we think the logo mark needs to have less of a gap - possibly close it in and even possibly connect the infinity sign?