huntersville yogaLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / huntersville yoga

huntersville yoga has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 124 designs from 7 different designers from around the world.




















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Actually I was not interested in #2 but was interested in # 1 but some reason can not able to activate #1. I am also missing the Om symbol as we provided in picture
14 years ago
i would rather see the lotus from the side view... maybe incorporate om symbols in the surrounding circle... like the colors, love the font!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
This lotus flower is taken from one of my personal photographs.

(This comment references Entry #7)
14 years ago
#7 i like the lotus flower, thanks husk! can we possibly place the 'om' symbol repeating itself around the circle? with possibly an additional row surrounding it to imply 'vibration'? the sample pic we sent with the logo application had an om with several layers of oms surrounding it in circles... good luck.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for the feedback - please keep it coming!

(This comment references Entry #8)
14 years ago
#8 upon seeing the multitude of oms, compared to your prior submissions, i think it looks a bit 'busy'. For larger print items or posters it could work, but for keychains and stickers, it may be best to keep things simple.
sorry to change my mind, but i just wanted to see if it could be done.

so: i really like #7, i'm wondering what it would be like to have a red circle rather than the current purple one?
it might tie in with the red om symbol a little better (plus it's 'feminine' enough with the flower, maybe red will add a masculine quality.) We have a number of male students as well as female, and yoga has a stigma of being a 'girl-sport' here in the US, that we're trying to de-stigmatize.

the lotus is just symbolic of what can rise out of the mire unscathed. :) yours is very 'real' looking with the shading etc... what if it were a bit more stylized, think tibetan woodblock imagery, to make it a bit more 'tough' looking? thanks - you rock!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
no problem, here is another idea - i'll keep thinking for you ...

(This comment references Entry #11)
14 years ago
#11 aaaah.... i reeeeally like this. simple and straightforward. i'm thinking of renaming the studio 'iron lotus yoga' (if my business partner likes it too.) since i hope to also offer martial arts classes as well as yoga... i do aikido and the two disciplines lend themselves well to each other.

i also like the 'sunrise' effect with the lotus... that's symbolically significant and just plain cool looking.
would you send one more with 'iron lotus yoga' in the same sanskrit-ish font around it? thanks. /christine
14 years ago
#11 - compared to the other logos like entry 7, for whatever reason this is appearing to be smaller in size. can you make it appear larger so it's easier to see? thanks. :)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
This one has the thin outer ring which may be what contributed to it seeming larger ....

(This comment references Entry #15)
14 years ago
#14 i absolutely love. hands down. let me confer with kalpana (my studio partner) and see where we go from here.
#15 i understand what you mean about the outer ring making it appear larger... optical (de)lusions! :) however, i think i like the simplicity of the absence of the white outer ring.
14 years ago
#48 not too crazy about, but thanks 4 putting the idea out there. I'm still happy with #14. My business partner is fond of a different design, with a stylized body in the middle of a lotus... but i think 'yogabodies' are bland looking and impersonal. If you want to try one though, maybe put a 'warrior 2' in it. thanks...
14 years ago
Logo Designer
no outer ring - as you expressed a preference before - and I've made it levitate!

(This comment references Entry #49)
14 years ago
#49 i very much like it.... levitation may/may not be necessary depending on the type of media its being presented in... :) We are leaning now towards the name 'lotus yoga', would you make one that says 'lotus yoga', please? thanks so much.
14 years ago
ok... is it possible to put the 'om' symbol, as if it were sitting in the center of the lotus? it's ok with me if the petals overlap the bottom of the 'om'. Thanks.
14 years ago
hi! can we see one with an om symbol in the center of the lotus?... thanks! /c
14 years ago
hello - #87, i think the added 'oms' are too busy (but i appreciate the attempt at symmetry.)
I also think, that the 'om' in the middle of the lotus, while it was my partner's preference, i think it's also busy. It makes the lotus hard to see.
My next suggestion is: Can we revisit the red lotus, and put a white 'om' in the middle of it? it might work. a white 'om' could tie in with the white lettering nicely, too.
thanks for all your continued hard work.
14 years ago
thanks - i feel the white 'om' in the center of the red flower is a little distracting to the simplicity of the flower. but thanks for trying. :)
i'm not liking the purple ring - there's a lot of 'purple' in the yoga world and i'm trying to avoid looking like the rest. red is more what i'd like to stay with, or even some earth tones. what would the red lotus logo look like with some brown/black incorporated? just curious. thanks.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
I have to admit to having lost track a little bit of where we are up to ... is Lotus Yoga the final name ? - do you prefer the real looking lotus or the solid one ? should I keep the overall logo red and introduce some earth tones/black or did you want to go earthy with the whole thing ? Thanks :) husk

(This comment references Entry #102)
14 years ago
#102 nice, elegant, comfortable.
i regret to inform... that my partner kalpana has put this project on hold, maybe indefinitely.
she may pick a logo regardless for future use, but i'll not be involved. :(
again, thanks for all your help, and i'll keep you in mind for future endeavors. /christine
14 years ago
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