Hi, here's my first pass at a logo for Humble Hostess. The idea here is a lowercase h that is bowing forward -- it's humble! Not sure if red is the right color. It's not a very humble color, but red stimulates the appetite. I'd love your feedback. Thanks so much!
Hi Lindsey. I like what you've started with. Agree that I'm not sure red is the right color...I think it makes me think of Hostess Snack Cakes. :) I like the 3 little dots above the "h." It's cute and I think this logo needs a cute element. But I'm not sure about the "h" with the circle. I also like the font you used for humble hostess.
Hi! Thanks for the feedback. I've worked on some revisions for you -- showing some colors in the hues you mentioned, and I even tried my hand at a pineapple or two. With regard to color... there are a gazillion shades out there, and you strike me as being creative yourself. I think you might find it helpful to browse a website dedicated to color and look into some schemes that pique your interest. If you've got the time, check out www.colourlovers.com. It's loaded with color palettes and patterns created by users (aka design geeks). It might help you lead us more specifically to the types of colors that you imagine for your business. If nothing else, it's a fun experience.
i'm not really a character designer, but if you're interested in a character, let me know. I hate to bring a bunch of competition in here, but we've got a few really awesome illustrators here, and I'm sure they can blow your mind. Thanks!
Thank you Lindsey. Your feedback is so helpful. I'm going to look at the color website you suggested. I like the pineapple you did in #45. That's cute. I originally envisioned a character but I know it's a lot of work for a designer.
Here's how she appears in my head, if you want to give it a shot: Young (think early 30s, Junior League girl), pearls, brownish-blond hair to the shoulders, flipped out, big eyes and big smile
Hi Lindsey. I found a simple logo I like, and I feel like it's a bit in the same direction as your 3 dot concept. http://whhostess.com/index.php?main_page=index What I like about this logo is how it's framed. It looks like a stamp or seal a lady might use to close her invitations.
I am so glad that you liked the colour lovers site. I had a feeling... I saw you extended, which I'm glad for because it means we all have more time for experimentation. I'm trying a few different things here; I'd love to hear what you think. Thanks so much for all your feedback. Believe me, it will make a world of difference -- I rarely see a contest go well with a contest holder that isn't participating. Kudos on that!
I love #57. Can you remove the chair, and put the double h's in the box?
I can see using this logo as a design element throughout our website and store...for instance, the logo might be the double h's in the box, but when we're featuring a baking segment I might put a cupcake in the box, or a table setting I might put a knife and fork in the box.
I wasn't sure if you had any particular double H's in mind, so I've tried a few things here.
#77, I used the H's in the same font as the wordmark, but they are so straight and rigid. I think they work for the wordmark, because the lettering is light and readable, and at a small size it's humble! But for the lettermark, they're just so plain. I tried doubling them on top of each other for visual interest, but I'm not pleased with it.
#78, I tried the flowing H from a previous entry, and used an outlined "shadow" behind it.
#79 and #80, I tried the original font I used, with H's in lowercase. Next to each other, lowercase H's seem off balance, so I mirrored them. Suddenly it occurred to me how much they resemble a fleur-de-lis, so I fleshed that concept out. I'm kind of digging it, but I'm not sure if you'll like the symbolism there.
Some direction on what you're looking for in double H's is much appreciated! Also, how are you liking these colors?
#81, I had already drawn some cutlery for a failed attempt at another idea for your logo (ironically), so I thought I'd throw it together so you can visualize.
I like the colors, but if you'd like to play with a couple other combinations based on the palettes I like I'd love to see some options. I'd try it with #77.
I need a day to stare at these and then I'll provide more detailed feedback. You're so good! Very creative with the fleur de lis.