HPECLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / HPEC
HPEC has selected their winning logo design.
For $675 they received 352 designs
from 72 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
Health and physical education teachers; pre service through retired HPE teachers (all ages); male & female
The purpose of our council is to provide support around the teaching and assessing of the health and physical education (now K - 6 Physical Education & Wellness) curricula.
The purpose of our council is to provide support around the teaching and assessing of the health and physical education (now K - 6 Physical Education & Wellness) curricula.
Color Preferences
Blues, Black, Yellow & Red
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Heart (symbolizes Health and PE) anatomical heart heartbeat bonding and connection
4 directional teachings Indigenous artwork Indigenous artist
The branding can be turned into SWAG and be updated depending on different groups (e.g., Orange Shirt Day, PRIDE, Black History Month etc)
- similar to what the Oilers do with their logo
We have attached our current logo.
4 directional teachings Indigenous artwork Indigenous artist
The branding can be turned into SWAG and be updated depending on different groups (e.g., Orange Shirt Day, PRIDE, Black History Month etc)
- similar to what the Oilers do with their logo
We have attached our current logo.