I have for you one unique, abstract, linework, Anasazi style, emblem form design concept. There are two variations,...one simpler/cleaner on entries #42 and #44, and one incorporating coffee bean element on #43 and #45! Ell designs utilize sand color tones, elements of village, with displaced, but well balanced focus on one house just underneath the Sun,...this house is visualy connected to word "HOUSE", for better emphasise.
To be completely honest, I didn't expect much when I started with this design, but it turned out to be quite nice combo of traditional Anasazi style, with contemporary touch to it! Hope you'll like it, and if you have some suggestions for improvement (...alternative colors, maybe!?...), feel free to jump in! Thank you!
Just realized that coffee bean incorporated within the sun is concept already used by another designer,...here are some alternatives on #52 and #53, with coffe beans subtly incorporated with roasting part of the text! Sorry for the inconvenience!
Hello, thanks for your submissions. I really appreciate them. Is it possible to make the inner part of the sun color lighter than the 2 colors in the 'sky' and maybe incorporate a coffee bean instead of the "O" in the word 'of' in 'House of Light'?
I've simplified things a bit and incorporated your suggestions (#60), that were very construstive btw.,...also modified colors a bit, for better contrast and easier/cheaper printing! It's developing quite nice! Thoughts!? Thanks!
Although three color printing option like on #60, is very good and cheap, logo must also work well as monochromatic version, like on #62 (for various printing applications - large scale printing on packages, uniforms, marketing materials, T-shirts, etc.,...and some web use, of course - websites, social media).
There,...some hopefully useful branding and daily logo application pointers,...let me know if you have some other ideas for improvement! Thank you!
...and here's updated version (#63) and its monochromatic variation (#64) on design with two coffee beans on each side of the word "roastery",...just to try it out, so word "roastery" is visualy closer related to coffee!
I've uploaded few color combinations on #68, #69, #70 and #71, just to explore options with this design! Please feel free to jump in with your thoughts/suggestions! Thanks!
Thank you so much for your design submissions and variants. They are awesome, we here are having lots of discussions regarding our logo. My favorite is 67. Is it possible to change the color of the sun to a yellow and the lines associated with the sun, including the house lines. The beans on either side of 'roastery' is a nice touch. Well done!!
I did some testing, and if we apply bright yellow color on the Sun/lines, we need to darken other colors for better contrast. Sonce bright yellow color is always tricky for printing, I've tested one more yellow color with more white in it (entries #73/#74),...for practical application this color would be more suitable! Word "rostery" is larger and it proportionaly looks better,...thank you! ...let me know what you think!
...and one more update (#87) on current 1st ranked design (#74), with more saturated, stronger colors and ticker outter line. Entry #88 puts more accent on the house part, but #87 is probably more pro-looking, cleaner, simpler design!
...alternative colors on #92 and #93,...orange/yellow/dark brown combo! Looks brighter, but variations on #87 and #88, kinda "smell" more like coffee! :) Thoughts!? Thanks!
Thank you for your design variants. I like the window but I'm afraid it may look like a misplaced accent for a letter. I'd like to try something with the sun. Each quarter of the sun has 3 'sun rays', could you reduce it to 2 rays. It will give the sun a total of 8 'sun ray'. Boy, its difficult to pick which I like....the brighter ones, or the darker 'smells' of coffee look. Almost have to flip a coin with those. haha
...haha,...I'm sorry I'm putting you through all this decision making! :D I always try to explore as much options as possible, so we have the best solution in the end. I agree that the window, although interesting accent, might be a bit distracting!
Let me see what can be done with those sun rays! Be back soon!
Ok,...I have two modifications on the Sun element,...#96/#97, with two rays per quarter, and one more variation with more details on #98/#100! I've dropped the window element, but we can add it if needed! Any thoughts from your part!?
Ok, thanks for these. At this point, I have no other ideas. I will be meeting with my team later to discuss the designs. I truly appreciate all you've done.
You're welcome,...I'm personaly very satisfied with this design development! Thank you for great cooperation and all the constructive feedback,...hope to hear from you again!
On entries #104 and #105 I've made final color tweaks (just a bit brighter yellow and slightly lighter brown on the frame). After all exploration, one of these two designs would be my suggestion for your new logo! Thanks again!
Hello Bojan Thank you so much for your designs and variants. You have been great with listening and working the progression of your design. I truly love your design. Unfortunately, our team voted for another design so will be going with it. I wish both designs could win.