I like the elegance and simplicity with the one with the feather... And the use of the feather to indicate that we write about hotels is a great touch. Im just not sure the Sidekick aspect is totally brought out here (The help part of our site). hmm... Is there a way to express that this is a signature at the bottom of an entry of an article...Maybe a dash before it or before and after.... or Maybe to say "Sincerely (smaller font above Hotel), Hotel Sidekick".... That might look pretty cool. What do you think?
Entry # 26 is my favorite of these. Would it be possible to have just the tip of the feather in # 26 where it meets the "k" the same color as the "k"? As if it was dipped in the ink. Maybe the whole stem that color.... ?
Also, what would it look like if the Sidekick in #26 was pure Black?
And can you make a version of # 26 for the mauve background where the feather is white (with the tip of the feather a little black) and the Hotel is White, and a version where the Hotel is Black. I really love your designs!
I love # 26 and # 39. Im sorry to keep sending you messages with edits...but one last time. Can you get rid of the grey on the feather tip of # 39. (I dont think it works like i thought it would). And can you make the white in "hotel" and the feather stand out with maybe a small drop shadow.
And can you make ALT versions of the above suggestions with the slogan "Know where to stay when you are away" to both of them below the logo. You dont have to put it in quotes (whatever you think looks better, but definately dont use script). Id like to see what it would look like. Thanks man!