Horseshoe Duck ClubLogo Design Contest
Logo Design Contest
Contests / Horseshoe Duck Club
Horseshoe Duck Club has selected their winning logo design.
For $275 they received 82 designs
from 18 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Design Brief
What We Do
It is a club organized for duck hunting in Southern Illinois. The species of duck that primarily will be hunted are drake(male) Mallards.
Color Preferences
This logo will primarily printed on darker clothing(brown, green, or camoflauge). Given that it may make sense for the lettering to be neutral or lighter in color.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
If possible I would like ideas that incorporate a greenhead mallard(drake) with potentially a reference to the two rivers that the club is located near. The club takes its name from being located close to Horseshoe Lake but the reason it is a special area to hunt is because of its close proximity to the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers which if a primary artery for a main flyway of ducks winter movement south. From a google map/earth imagery you can see this confluence of the two rivers.