I like it, but like i said earlier, the LEX or airframe part is coming to far out of the main fuselage. If you have the time maybe think about doing the 100 years of Naval aviation logo with the two jets (pure nose on shots) coming off the 3 and 9 o'clock positions of the rope/ring/rim. If this makes sense. This is looking like its going somewhere!
Hello Rhino Driver:) Thank you for your feedback, i will revise the airframe size and update by tonight Jakarta time, i will try options with two jets also
Entry #18, I like it a lot! Please take a hard look at the suttle differences in the two airframes. They both look the same.
Entry #15 looks not bad, but a little cartoonish for this crowd. I think I asked you to do something which you knew wouldn't look good. Thanks for trying for me!
Hello Rhino Driver i just googling and finally found the differences between Hornet and Super Hornet from the outside: 1. the overal size ( Super Hornet is bigger, 2. the wings (ability to fold it wings for Super Hornet) 3. the airframe ( slimmer for Hornet), am i correct?:) please check the update for 22: #35 feel free if you have any more suggestions about my entries
I like #35 and thanks for doing a little research on the jets. The Super Hornet is about 25% bigger than the Hornet, but both aircraft's wings fold due to the use on the limited space of an aircraft carrier. Overall the airframes are similar, but with the Super Hornet being overall larger and the LEX being bigger. Also, if pylons are going to go on please have the Super Hornet carrying three on each wing since that is what it is capable of. I'm a big fan of both aircraft not having anything on the wings.
Oh yeah, it looks like the two vertical stabilizers (aka rudders) are a little too close together.
So I had a few of my co-workers take a look at the logo. THey like it but the nose of the aircraft looks more like one from an F-15 Eagle than an F-18 Hornet or Super Hornet. Thanks for the changes for far!