Can you change the background to the Dallas Skyline..... Here is 1 link to the skyline. Many are available on-line. The building with the big ball on top is its trademark.
Will let others in office look on Monday.....I cant decide which style I like most. They are all very good
Any way on #89 to change the chopper in the O to something similiar to #116. Realize it would be a lot less detail.
I really like that concept a lot. There are 4 people trying to come together on the final decision and the others like everything in #86 except for the heli in the circle.
I've submitted new options, please check them alll.... I've changed the helicopter in the circle of entries 86 and 89. But this time u'll see the Heli's from the profile. I didn't want to use the Heli's front side 'cos there's full of glass on the model u've referenced and there will be no details. If u would reference any other model i'll be glad to work front side. Also, i'm still trying to find good angle - looking from front side on the current model and i will submit more samples asap.
someone here just made a perfect suggestion to your logo.......Put the skyline in the O of chopper and put a heli above CHOPPER. If you can give the heli some type of simple background, I think you will be dead on.
One other suggestion everyone likes.....have the rotor turning instead of stationary
Thanks for all the hard work.....You are very talented
In reference to #89.......Is there a way to to put a rotor system on the heli in the circlre.....the rotor system would be above (and out of the) the circle.
THe simplicity of this logo is very popular here now, but we need the heli to be more readily visable as a heli. We think adding the rotor above the word, but still connected to the heli would help.
If its too late to make that request, I understand.
Also if you are selected winner, can we have different color schemes.....the yellow looks too much like a something in red and black
Thanks for everything and if no changes are possible, we understand
Thank u for your appreciation and of course it's never too late for the changes. I'm gonna work on amends u've asked right now, don't worry. And of course if I've win this contest i'm gonna send what ever u want:)
If you can make the rotor system BIGGER on 254 .....(at least to the middle of the C).....Also make the heli the same color as 253.....The skid design is perfect on 254, please dont change.......then it should be perfect
Great....Congrats. This is the design we will choose.
Still not completely happy with how the rotor looks, but its close enough. Would it be too difficult to offer a few different color options of the final design?.....some are thinking your original yellow and black may have a more lasting impression.