Hi. I do love it. Love the direction. Could you make the person leading the horse smaller so that you know it is a child? And put the child and horse a little closer together - the child is still leading but the horse is following a little closer behind. And put a little space in between the words "Hope" "Reins" and a little less between "Reins" and "of".
Awesome!! I am very excited. Thank you for entering the contest I am honored to have someone so talented participating!
Hello kimt, First thank you for your really nice message ! I did some modifications. Don't hesitate to tell me what's wrong or if you want other things ! Best regards Dinou45
Really like #52. I like the different pose with the child. Can you still take #42 and emphasize the "reins" more in the graphic so you can see them a little better and make the person look more like a child - maybe smaller. I still really like the child leading the horse that is very nice.
Hi. I like #52 a lot and wondered if you can make a few changes. Can you please remove the orange/sun background and frame it someway, whether you put it in a sort of frame or outline? I like the interaction of the horse and child but the background is distracting to me.
Hi I like this one a lot it is beautiful. Can I ask you to work on making it not so wide? I am thinking through all the ways we will use this - hats, tshirts, coffee mugs, etc. and it is a little wide I am worried how it will print. Can you work to make the type "Hope Reins" more compact like in entry #141 and I also like the font type better in #141.