HoopGirlLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / HoopGirl

HoopGirl has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 117 designs from 18 different designers from around the world.

Logo Design Brief

United States
Get Fit, Feel Sexy, Have Fun!
What We Do
We empower women to become more fluid, sensual and in love with life and their bodies with our modern, adult-sized hula hoops and instructional DVDs along with services including hula hoop performances+dance fitness classes, and a 72 hour HoopGirl Workout teacher certification program.
Color Preferences
We would like it to be red and black on a white bacground. We are also interested in seeing ideas with orange or yellow as a second accenting color.
Our Ideas & Additional Information
Previous branding and logo can be seen at: www.HoopGirl.com. Previous colors were black and purple/pink. Now many other hoop companies use these colors, so we seek to distinguish ourselves as the most powerful industry leader. Our company is the most credentialed, with the most elegant workout, dvds, book, etc. We want our mark to convey that level of sophistication. We previously had a star with a ring around it as our icon. We would love to evolve that to something more powerful, but still sensual. We are also open to an abstract shape which conveys a woman hula hooping dancing (with only one hoop). We love the modernity conveyed by our current font, but are hoping for a fresh, more inviting take which is still 2.0 The letters, "H" and "G" in our name needs to at least stay capitalized, if not the whole thing. Please no child-like cartoon figures and nothing too overtly sexy. No scripty fonts. Overall, we are hoping the logo and font will be so appealing to women that they would love to wear it simply because it is so beautiful. Note that we do NOT do children's hula hooping and games, we cater to adult women and provide a new form of dance with custom made, professional hula hoops. Please note we will be developing a new website after this so no need to design something that works with the current one.


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Entry #1 and Entry #2: Hi Light! Thanks for your submissions! Wow, I love how sensual the hips look as a focal point with the hoop. What a creative design! You said so much with so little. Beautiful. My hesitation is that the figure looks a bit like she is naked from the waist down. Even though your design is super elegant, it may be too provocative for my clientele. I need to ask for feedback from clients. Any way to modify it? Between the two you made, I think I like the one which is just red and black as the yellow doesn't seem to be enhancing the message in a specific way. The font isn't grabbing me... other ideas? Something super modern and 2.0 but inviting to women? Thank you so much!
13 years ago
Entry #3: Thanks for submitting, DesignLab! I think the way the hoops are in the logo feels a bit more like kids games than a sophisticated, sexy adult women's workout. Perhaps keeping the font straight ahead and focusing on adding an abstract image of some kind which conveys movement and/or radiance through the body or hooping? Thank you!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi! Here are some hints for getting the most out of your contest as it progresses:

~~ Rank designs daily -- this will encourage participation.
~~ Rank and re-rank a variety of designs to get a variety of new entries.
~~ Ranking gets your contest noticed! Unless your contest is private, 1st place entries are posted to the portfolio page: https://logotournament.com/portfolio
~~ Ranking designs daily will also keep your contest from getting cluttered.
~~ The more feedback you provide, the better results you are going to see.
~~ Designers are not offended by "Not Interested"
~~ Over-use of "Not Interested" discourages participation.
~~ Ranking is a non-monetary means of showing appreciation for designers hard work.
~~ Designers earn points for designs ranked in the top 10. We like to earn points.

~~ NOTE: While in JUDGING mode, the designer ranked in 1st can still submit revisions.

More detailed information on how to get the most out of your contest can be found here:
13 years ago
Entry #5: Than you submitting, Sunardi! I like the font but I feel the abstract shape would need to look more like a women's body to work with the brand. Can it be shaped more in that fashion rather than an "h"?
13 years ago
Entry #4: Thanks Hardih! Wow, your logo definately pops as powerful. I also like the undulating color gradiant through the word hoopgirl, which conveys a feeling of new and modern. However, the font feels more like a kids/tomboy rather than an adult women's seeking to be more feminine. I know this is an intiricate balance...We don't want to be overly feminized, but alluring to them. Is it possible to explore a different font with the same concept? One other thing about the font... it's puffiness does not convey much weight loss and that is what a lot of women seek through hooping... maybe something slightly more compressed/slender would be great.
13 years ago
Entry #9: Thank you, Light! I like the creativity in this one with the word of HoopGirl explored represented in a new way. My hesitation is that it just makes it a bit harder to read and looses some of the flow ... and the font and figure have now lost so much of their femininity. Can we still keep the font super round and appealing to women... and perhaps evolve the more futuristic roundness of our existing one, while still conveying being skinny? Also, can you add more shape in the woman's form? Finally, with the by-line underneath it looks a bit busy. Perhaps it can be all lower case to make it more readable?
13 years ago
Entry #6, Entry #7, Entry #8: Thanks Anna for entering! Of the three I think #6 is my favorite because you have added some energy moving up and out of the hoop. Possible to change the font of the word, hoop? It looks like it has too many edges and isn't round enough, such as the one you used in Entry #7. In Entry #7, I love that you added a heart to be the dot on the i. That actually flows we with our newer motto we are considering, which is Love Your Body. I'd be curious if you could modify Entry #6 to also have that heart as the dot on the i? Note that per the project brief, we only want to depict one hoop since that is how we generally teach. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #10: Hi Light! I am not fond of that black figure on the left side of this mark. If you were to develop this, I would use the hips from before and try a different font which is more inviting to women... I think you were more on the right track with #2, even though it is more provocative... I think because there is more human shape and sensuality and round font. Also, it would be great if you could bring in some sense of luminosity emerging from the hoop around the body, and some cool texturing (like the kind you included in your past submissions, where the font/shape looked almost 3-D) Hope this makes sense! Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks again!
13 years ago
Entry #12: Thanks Sunardi! Love the font... but the shape now looks like a pregnant women a bit to me. Any way to depict an average woman's shape in an abstract manner. Also, I think we want to go with only one hoop in the logo since that is the way we hoop. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #13: Hi Anna! Very creative with the heart/hoop around the body! I like that you added the motto, but can it be easier to read in any way? Rounder font or more space? Maybe stretched out all underneath the word HoopGirl? Also, is there any way to add more texture and/or 3 dimensionality to the words HoopGirl? Im open to your creative ideas...
13 years ago
Entry #17: Thank you! I love how simple and powerful it is and the idea of using a hoop around a heart. Neat. Possible that there can be a font for HoopGirl which doesn't have the pointy edges? I see what you are after with fluidity, but would love another option to consider which doesn't have angled edges. The motto is super easy to read and pops nicely!
13 years ago
Entry #16: Hi Anna... I am not sure that the color gradiant to grey in the fashion you did helps make the mark pop. Any other ideas on how to make the black word Hoop pop more? I like the all black version in the other one a bit better. I do like that you took the shadow out since it reduces busyness. Love the new placement of the motto. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #19: Thanks for submitting. I love the font choice, color gradiant undulation and heart on the i, but the image feels very rough to me. Perhaps something more stylized and less literal? Something more like your entry for My Dental team, where you created a slick abstract form to represent a person. Also, the new branding color we are going for is more red than pink... maybe at least a much darker shade of what is there?
13 years ago
Entry #32 and Entry #35: Thanks Anna. I am curious if I can see a slight change in one of these just to have a point of reference. In almost all of these people have chosen to make the word "girl" in red which makes it stand out, but really the part that would be better to stand out is the word "hoop". Can the word hoop be in red and girl be in black/black variation, with the heart on the i still red? Also, as in Entry #16 in some one word has been made skinner. It would pop more with hoop in red and bigger and girl skinner if that direction is also being explored, again conveying the girl is getting skinnier. I also like how you have changed the woman's body in #25 because the lines are stronger and look more pronounced at a distance. Anything that can enhance that is welcome :)
13 years ago
Entry #27: Thank you for your totally original submission! Possible to make the motto easier to read at bottom, maybe stretched out taking up more space or darker or slightly bigger? Possible to make the tip of the hoop inside the heart less sharp at the tip or in some way not having something sharp inside the heart? I really like the super modern concept, I just want to keep the feeling of flow and roundness instead of sharpness.
13 years ago
Entry #30: Hi there! I like the font and how you have created that (though I would add a bit more red to the pink so it is darker). I also like how slick and round your figures are... the only thing is that they look like little men instead of women? Is it possible to keep them there in this fashion, but add some curves in the right places so they look female shaped?
13 years ago
Entry #28 and Entry #29: Hi Light. I really like what you have done with the colors on the font to create the metallic, modern appearance. In #29 I don't like that the hips are turned away from the logo though because it distracts. It would be nice if you could add a heart on the i (the same way I had a star on the i in my last logo) since this new motto I am playing with is love your body. Is there any way to see how it looks with the hoop red and the girl black and the heart red? Also, can you add a sense of radiance or luminosity in some way? I wrote in my brief that I wanted one of the top three impressions to be radiance, but no one has added any light or luminosity to suggest the transformation which happens inside the hoop. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #26: I like the font but the heart looks a little sad, broken and deflated. I think we are going for a more radiant, healthy, luminous full heart. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #31: The font is fun, can you change the motto to Love Your Body? Also, the figure is slick, which I like, but doesn't look female. Any way to help her have more curves so that women would relate to it? Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #34: Hi there! Thanks for your entries. We are staying away from the pinks and going towards warm reds... also, the bandanna around the head looks a bit distracting. Maybe some hair instead?
13 years ago
Entry #22: Sorry for delay, I thought I commented yesterday! I love that you went with a stylized abstract image but I can't quite figure out what it is and it feels a bit sharp on top. Is there any way to modify so it has more relation to hula hooping and women in some way? I like the font and writing, though. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #38: Hi SNGraphics. What an evolution from your last marks! I like this new direction for the icon/figure. Things I would love to see changed: The color looks pink here but I am making a big change in our branding from pinks and purples to reds. Can you adjust? Entry #37 is more along the lines of what I am hoping for in that realm. Also curious what it would look like with the word Hoop in red and the girl in black. Not super crazy about the font. Any other ideas which are even more modern/round/friendly? Also with more texture or color gradient? Per my brief update I am also open to all lower case for hoopgirl. I ranked this one higher than the Entry #37 because I didn't like the hearts sideways on the sides of love your body. Maybe a single heart on the i instead? Also, on Entry #37 the motto was so small it was hard to read. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #39 and Entry #40: Hi Anna. Thanks for indulging me. While intellectually I thought that change would work, I realize it makes the left side of the logo super heavy with redness. I'll ask for some feedback from friends, but I sense that the black first may be better after all. I do like the font sizing change in #39, however, which has the girl skinner than the word hoop. Can this be applied to #25? While I like really like #39, that font is very very close to one used by another big company in this industry... I am contemplating if it matters enough to go with the other #25 style for distinction. Also, I think I am certain of liking lower case for the entire word of hoopgirl in your mark. Thank you!
13 years ago
Entry #41 and Entry #42: Can you make the color less orange and more dark red or a really really dark pink red? Can you make the difference between the heart and the figure surrounding her more visible as in Entry #37 with the darker shades? Like the effect you put on the font. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #45: I like this one the best of what you evolved so far. If anything I would just say a darker red since this one feels a bit candy apple bright... almost valentines like. I think a darker red may convey a bit more sophistication.
13 years ago
Entry #39: Hi Anna! well a lot of my customers like this font version, which is why i moved it up. The only comment some have been making is that the woman's shape feels a bit thin and wispy... i would be curious if there was some way to make her shape more bold?
13 years ago
Entry #48: Love what you did to streamline the hoop and take away the point. I'm not totally sold on the way the love your body motto is though because it is so wispy and the font feels edgy. I think the other way was a bit friendlier. Can you show me the same upper and lower case as before and the same placement, but just a bit more bold and maybe a point or two larger in size? Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #51: I like this evolution of the logo, but actually feel the one on the angle, Entry #48, conveys a bit more motion and feminine curve. I think the image is good... the only way I can think of enhancing it is by adding radiance or luminosity of some kind. What I am really curious about is the font on the motto underneath HoopGirl. It feels a little sharp and thin. Can you show me some other versions, per my last bullitan board comment on Sept 22. Some that are easier to read a bit, perhaps a rounder font which feels a bit more approachable and friendly? One idea in my last comment: can you show me the same upper and lower case as before and the same placement, but just a bit more bold and maybe a point or two larger in size? Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #49: Thanks for attempting to make the figure more bold. My impression is that adding clothes doesn't make her overall figure feel less "pointy". Between the two, I prefer #39 since it is more open. I love the font and motto... I think you have those down perfect. I just have a hesitation on wether I can look at the wispiness of the figure for the next 5-10 years as a bold enough representation of what we do. I'm thinking on this and welcome any more bold evolutions. My friend sent me this and not sure if it will provide any inspiration. I like some and find others very cheesy, but the more bold and less squiggly representations are catchy to my eye.

13 years ago
Entry #58: Hi there! Thanks for your submissions! Unfortunately this girl's image looks much to like one held by a major company in our field. We are moving away from using the star on the i. As for the others, I marked them uninterested since they aren't in the colors I indicated we are looking for. Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #60, 61 and 62: Thanks for this new concept. I like the font you chose and the motto placement and font a lot. I also like the general idea of including the heart and the stylized representation of a woman with a hoop and the added metallic texture. But how you use the heart actually makes the girl look fat, and we are a fitness company so we need her to look like she is in shape, not with massive hips from the heart. I welcome any other evolutions of this idea you have! Thank you!
13 years ago
Entry #65: Hi Hummingbird. I like how bold and curvy your mark is! Three concerns:

1.The "g" is a little bit pointy. Can it be rounder and smoother? Im open to seeing other types of round yummy fonts and any additional texture you can add to convey movement.
2. Also, can the motto be made easier to read in some way?
3. Finally it looks a bit odd that we can only see one arm. Is there a way to have another or at least the suggestion of another, maybe raised up in the air?

Also, the color you used is a bit more pink than we hoped... possible to darken it to a super dark pink that is almost red or a darker red?

Last thing... is there any way to add a feeling of luminescence, radiance or light to the mark in some way, creating the impression that hooping activates and transforms the person inside the hoop? Just a thought...

13 years ago
Entry #63: I like this concept but can you move the image over to the left so it isn't overlapping with the company name and is it possible to give the figure more of a female shape? Thanks!
13 years ago
Entry #66 and Entry #67: Thanks for trying this new direction. We are actively trying to avoid cartoon figures since it doesn't convey a sophisticated, professional fitness company image which we can promote at conferences, with certification, etc. Also wanting to stick to reds instead of pinks. Super cute concept, though! Having the figures mostly silhouetted instead of colored in like characters could be a more powerful direction.
13 years ago
Entry #68: I like that the cartoon factor has been reduced. I am concerned about how heavy and dark it is on the left side with this big black large figure, however. Any way to lighten the heaviness while keeping defintion and texture? Also, when used in an all black print on tee shirts, etc, the hair will blend with the arm and neck and look a bit clumpy. Any way to add a bit more line of definition between?
13 years ago
LogoTournament Staff
Admin Note: Please leave comments in the designer's area - click on the image or their name to do so. Thanks.
13 years ago
Entry #70: This is interesting! Note is that the heart is jagged on the upper left hand side in a way the other versions are not. The motto is also a bit hard to read... looks like it is half in itallics? Can you just use the exact same type of font from the motto in Entry #27 (even if you make it all lower case?) I really like that. Can it be a bit bigger so easier to read, without doing the whole across the bottom thing? (note that I actually liked the idea of going across the whole bottom, I was just never crazy about how pointy that font was. Im open to a different one if you want to do that again.) I don't think the glow works, can that be removed? I think it makes the mark look a bit muddy from a distance. Also, can the heart bit a bit smaller? It seems to be growing in every version.... but maybe that is because the font changed type and size. If you can, I would also be very interested in comparing this revised version one exact the same with the same writing as Entry #27 in the HOOPGIRL with linked upper case o's and the motto below, as you have it there, with this new sloping hoop version, to compare the two. Thank you so much!
13 years ago
Entry #69: Hi there. My hesitation with this mark is that the figure makes this look like something that is for professional dancers, not everyday women. Beautiful design, though!
13 years ago
Entry #74: Thanks for the revision, but using the heart in that way to represent a woman's body makes her hip look really, really big. We want to create the feeling of being slender and fit.
13 years ago
Entry #76 and Entry #79: Hi Hummingbird. I really like the heart on the i as in the Entry #65. Can I see your revisions of 76 and 79 with the these two new figures, but with the heart on the "i" and "the love your body" placed as in 76?

13 years ago
Entry #76: For this one, is there any way to add a sense of movement with the girl hooping? Any little light or little shapes that suggest a whirling hoop? instead of static? Thanks!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
If you can direct specific comments about entries to the individual designers pages that would greatly assist the designers in reading your feedback and making the changes you request sooner and more efficiently.
13 years ago
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